14 〤 backstabber

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Zoro was intensely sweating, so was Chopper who was carrying a passed out Luffy. "Oi, Zoro! Did you seriously lead us in the middle of nowhere?!" You shouted hysterically. Zoro glared at you, "Do you ever shut up, old woman?!" He grumbled.

"Hey! I'm only 28!" You fought back, glaring daggers at the swordsman. "Still! That's older than me!" Chopper could only look at you both fight, due to the fact that he has no energy to discontinue your childish actions.

"Hmph!" You crossed your arms, puffing your cheeks as you ended the fight. Zoro only sighed and copied your actions, crossing his arms. Luffy finally got the chance to wake up. "Looks like he's back with us." Chopper informed.

You nodded, understanding. "Huh?" Luffy looked around.

"Are you finally sane again?" Zoro asked. "You're such a nuisance."

"Huh? Wha? Huh? Where are the others?"


"Huh? You don't know?"

"It's because he's a dumbass." You smirked.

"Honestly, woman..."

"Don't be funny!" Zoro laughed at his comment only for Luffy to shout at him, "This is no time to be laughing!"

"Yeah." He agreed.

"So we're lost again?" Luffy asked. "It seems like it." You paused before putting a hand on Zoro's shoulder. "Next time, I'll lead the way Marimo-kun!~" You grabbed his cheek causing him to have an irritated expression.

"Whose fault do you think that is?!" Zoro and Chopper yelled.

You chuckled, "C'mon, give your captain a break."  "Wha-what?! My fault?!"

After the fight, you looked around and dead panned due to the fact that there were no footprints to be seen at all. If only Yuri was here! Why did you leave him at Rainbase?! Should you just leave these three and wait until they made their way back to the others?!

How can this be more worse? You sighed, and slumped down on the sand. "Say what?!"

"You're actually Crocodile?!" Luffy asked, his face shown anger. With that, Zoro smacked his head. "Don't be stupid!"

"Huh? We got separated?"

"You moron!"

You simply just watched them bicker around and just wanted to end this day. Why would Crocodile send you this mission... "Why didn't we go after them sooner?!" He asked, looking back to where it began.

"That would be because of you!"

Luffy looked at you, and his mouth agape. "Ah! Y/N is here too!" You gazed to meet his eyes and without a second, you swooped him into your arms. "Luffy, are you alright?" You hugged him tightly as he was already struggling to breathe.

"You'll kill him." Zoro informed, causing you to let go. "What's wrong with you?!" You looked away, too embarrassed for your action. "I'm sorry Luffy. I got carried away."

Luffy asked Chopper. "You smell things good!"

"I'm already trying. But I don't smell anything at all."

"Then we have no clues at all?"

"Which way is the wind blowing from?"

You didn't seem particularly interested in what they were saying to each other, so you left them to it. The four of you walked side by side until Luffy noticed a place where you could get some shade from the sun. It was scorching hot. As a result, Luffy used his abilities to speed up the process. You were unconcerned and wore an unreadable expression. You snapped your fingers creating a clone of yours once again, and left.

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