The Bird and the Crocodile/

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"ACE!" I screamed, contemplating whether I should use it or not.

"Leave it to me!" Someone screamed and attacked the executioners, making them fly backwards unconscious.

"Crocodile?" I squinted my eyes and remembered. He also helped me the last time. Actually he was also there at the Pirate Banquet. Just what does he want?

"Listen, I don't want to help you, but I clearly don't want the marines to win!" He shouted at me, only for his head to fall off clean.

"I'm impressed you made it out of the prison, Crocodile-man." Doflamingo appeared out of nowhere. He was one of the people that got their asses whooped by me in the future for some reason.

"You flappy bastard." Crocodile hissed at him after fixing his sandy head.

"How was your bath in the pond of blood? Was it good?" He flashed his, what I think, is a stupid grin.

"Don't interfere, you wanna die?" Crocodile smugly looked down at him, even if the bird was standing on a pile of bodies.

"What an unpleasant thing to say." The bird glared at the crocodile.

"Says the one who sliced my head off." He glared harder.

"Come on, I know you ain't gonna die like that! How about we team up?" He offered.

"There's no way I'm doing that!"

"So you're teaming up with Whitebeard?" He frowned.

"That dying old man? No way, I'll get rid of him later!"

"Then what are you doing? It's enough to make a man jealous, ya know?" He jumped down and faced Crocodile face to face.

"I don't team up with anybody." He got ready in case the bird attacks.

"It's harsh when you say it like that. It's like brushing me off." He laughed.

"More or less." They glared at each other harder, both being on guard.

"You know what, you guys are weird." The both of them glared at me, now running to save Ace. I wasted enough time already.

"What was that?"

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