The Straw Hat's Influence

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I immediately jolted awake and forced myself to get up as soon as I regained consciousness.

"Oi Luffy-ya! Don't force yourself!"


"LUFFY!" Everyone gathered around me, some jumped to my embrace.

"You guys, you all survived!" Wait a minute, I fainted right before Grandpa got hit by that thing! "How about Grandpa? How about Ace and Sabo? Are they okay?"

Zoro sat on the chair right beside my bed. "He's okay. He can deal with something like that. Ace and Sabo are sleeping back in the Sunny." Then, where am I? Oh, I'm in Law's ship.

"That's a relief." He then proceeded to give me a piece of paper. I unfurled it and was surprised. "Huh? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. This is my bounty?"

Robin leaned on the doorway. "Yeah, they're manipulating the masses again, making them think that we're weaklings."

"Those bastards! I had more bounty back then!" I checked the numbers again. There are nine zeroes, which means I have 100 million bounty? That's even lower than before!

"What do you mean that's low, you jumped from 300 million to a billion! That's the highest leap in history!"

"If you're asking, my bounty is 700 million." As expected of Zoro!

"Stop bragging mosshead! Just because I had a hundred million lesser than you doesn't mean that I'm weaker! They're manipulating the masses so the ladies don't get too attracted."

"Shut up, curly brows!"

"YOU TWO SHUT UP!" Yikes, it's Nami! "You're disturbing the patients resting in this ship!"

"I'm sorry, Nami-swan!" I'm glad they never changed.

"How about the others?" Chopper, who was in my lap, started crying.

"It never changed!" He kept wiping his tears. "I still have a hundred bounty!"

"No one else had a bounty change. My bounty still remained the same as before I became a warlord."

"I see, that means there's nothing to worry about." I let out a laugh.

"Don't tell me-!"

"I'M HUNGRY! Sanji, prepare the food!"

"Alright captain!"

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