The Wall Has Risen/

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Something is wrong. Marines started retreating to the wall.

"Hurry up marines or you'll get caught by it!" An admiral shouted. Marines are pushing each other, panicking.

"Something is wrong." A familiar voice boomed in the distance.

"Maybe because Oyaji is coming soon." Another voice replied.

The wall. Wait, the wall?

"THE WALL!" I shouted, which made everyone around glance at me. The pirates looked at me with curious eyes while marines were sweating waterfalls.

"Did he found out?"

"Oh no, our plan is ruined!"

"Wait what plan?"

"THE WALL IS RISING! QUICK, GO TO ACE!" I shouted as marines ran to the side.

"If marines are nervous, it must be true!" Pirates also started entering their side.

"Strawhat Luffy, are you sure?" A voice, which is Pineapple's, stopped me from my tracks.

"I saw the ground moving! It must be the wall!" Which is true because the platform started rising, slowly revealing a sea stone wall.

"EVERYONE FOLLOW MY LEAD! THE WALL IS RISING!" Marco shouted which everyone obeyed.

"GO TO OUR FALLEN COMRADE!" They all ran at the big giant blocking one of the platforms with his fallen body.

"GO SAVE ACE!" He encouraged more as we all ran towards the giant.

Whitebeard also started running towards the other side.

I quickly remembered the time when we both fought against Blackbeard. He was really good when leading his comrades even to death. 

"The wall has already risen! How can we go above it?" A pirate asked and suddenly, everyone started panicking.

"Leave it to me!" Whitebeard proposed and used his devil fruit to punch the wall, but it only left a big crater on it.

It's really impressive, given that it was sea stone and it was thick.

"It didn't work!" The pirates panicked more.

"Call the other ships! The rest of you should move forward!" Whitebeard broke the big ice walls.

"Luffy-kun, we should also move forward!" We made it to the other side of the wall where marines and the other pirates are fighting.

"A-Ace." The giant woke up with some doctors tending to him.

"Oars Junior, you should rest a little for now. Oyaji has a request." One of the doctors said.

"Strawhat-boy, now we made it, I think you should also rest for a while. The adrenaline is wearing off soon and your immune system might still be battling the poison in your body." Iva-chan appeared out of nowhere.

"I agree, Luffy-kun. Ace wouldn't like it if he knows your current condition. At least come back once your fresh." Jinbei added, much to my dismay.

"No, I don't have time for that. Ace is gonna be executed soon." And like a lucky guess, the executioners raised their blades, indicating that they are doing it.

"Oyaji, they're executing Ace!" One of the pirates shouted that caused the old man's attention.

"Do you think I can't stop- aghh!" He fell to his side and coughed blood.

"OYAJI!" A lot of people screamed together with Ace, but he closed his eyes as soon as he knew he was dying.

"ACE!" I screamed as I recognized the face he was making.

"ACE!" Everyone followed as they saw the blades pointing his neck.

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