Enfer Jambe

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I kicked him to the ocean, making him use the same technique that they call Moon Walk.

"I bet you didn't-!" I managed to catch him off guard when I flew to the sky and kicked him with my blue flames.

"You bunch." He continued to shoot light speed bullets which I dodged with all my might.

I have to do it now while I still have the chance. He's still underestimating me.

I got ready for my ultimate attack, but as I kept dodging, the pain became even more worse and I fell down the ocean. Luckily, I was near an ice platform, so I quickly got back up and fought again.

"You know what they call things that keeps coming back even after everything? A pest." He created swords of light and launched them at me. Too bad for him, I learned a bit from Jimbe.

"FISHMAN KARATE: PLAQUE BRILLANTE!" I raised my right leg and created a wind pressure enough to bounce back his swords and launched it right at him.

"Fishman Karate?" I activated my blue flames in my one leg and combined it with wind pressure to create my most powerful flame-Enfer Jambe.

"They say that purple flames are hotter than blue flames. It must be true." 

"Yeah, and you'll have the chance to learn it yourself! HELL MEMORIES!" He took on a a barrage of my kicks like it was nothing. His skin did burn a bit.

"Indeed, this is Fishman Karate." He's so relaxed like he's getting a massage on a vacation.

"Don't be so arrogant! BOEUF BURST!" I pulled his body to my foot and kicked the admiral.

"He definitely is an admiral. There's no way I can beat him with my current strength." I watched him fall down to the ocean while I came running to the battlefield.

I know that he'll come back sooner or later, but this is all I can do for now. Atleast I stalled him with what I can do.

"Huh? What's with-" My body fell down the concrete platform, and it didn't take long for me to lose my consciousness.

"Luffy, let's go back and run! You still can't take him on!" Nami convinced Luffy, but he held to his position and never yielded.

"If I don't beat him up here, who else can?" He glared at the fleet admiral who was watching him with great anticipation.

"You're just like your old gramps, so reckless and stupid."

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