The ASL Brothers

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"Luffy, we need to run away! You're still too weak to fight against admirals!" Nami's shoulder was patted by Zoro.

"Oi Nami, do you still have doubts regarding our captain?" She lets her tears flow, letting go of her captain's arm.

"You should have listened to her." Akainu appeared beside Sengoku, and on the other side is Kizaru, drenched in water.

"You pirates had made it this far, but you're not making it out here alive. Look at your ship surrounded." Luffy looked back at his ship. Marines kept firing cannons at them, but it's being bounced back by Robin's wide range of arms and nets.


"Yes, captain." He fled to the ship immediately, dragging Nami with him.

"So you're planning to fight all of us alone?" Akainu smirked like a devil.

"So it's true that subordinates behave like their captain." Kizaru crossed his arms.

"Who said Luffy is alone!" Coming from the sky is Ace, who emerged victorious after fighting Aokiji's Ice Golems.

"Ace!" Luffy welcomed him with a smile.

"Don't forget about me! Who said you can run away?" Appeared out of nowhere is Sabo, who got distracted by Akainu's magma clones.

"Sabo, you really are alive!" Ace cheered with glee.


"Yo!" He smiled, looking at Akainu warily.

"Tsk, more fools joined in."

"You two underestimating again. Don't forget that they made it here intact." Sengoku warned them two.

"Yosh, I guess it's time for me to show who's the strongest between us three." Ace bragged about how he learned from the past.

"Ace, you didn't know this, but I was dubbed as the Flame Emperor back then with your fruit."

"You two didn't know this, but I became the Pirate King back then." The two of them sighed in defeat, but glad that everything that happened in that time was completely non-existent.

"You guys, let's do this just like the old times!"

"Of course!"

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