The Might of True Flames

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Before the Hound Blaze came in contact with me, blue flames swooped in the area with green fireflies pulling me away from the attacks.

"Hehe, do you think I'll just stand there watching you get caught off guard?" I turned to Ace and noticed him giving me a smug face.

"You haven't changed, Ace. You're still as proud as ever." I said while standing up before the two admirals could catch up. Wait a minute, magma should burn these flames... Unless.

"What are you doing standing around, they're coming!" I felt conqueror's haki emitting from his fists.

"What a waste. I miss using your devil fruit." I forced myself to create another barrier.

"Finished talking?" Beyond the blue flames were the silhouettes of the two admirals. 

"Let's see if they can handle this. I'm getting sick of waiting for them to say their final goodbyes." The fire subsided, showing us their smug faces, as if they're sure that we'll be obliterated this time. 

"Hoho, you're getting too cocky! We were just beginning to test your strength." Ace looks like he's sure to finish them off as well. For that, I'm gonna need to step up my game.

"We didn't even begin yet. Everything was just a greeting." I gripped onto my pipe and poured a lot of my armament haki on it.

Kizaru pulled out a light sword while Akainu continued to burn hotter.

"Mighty Hound Blaze!"

"Light Saber!" They closed their distance to us, with Akainu attacking Ace and Kizaru attacking me. 


"Got it!" Ace unleashed huge amounts of fire coated in conqueror's haki, and I managed to block Akainu's fist with my pipe.

"Haki users are a pain indeed." Kizaru complained after being blocked by Ace's arm.

"Finished yet, cause I have more! FLAMES OF PHOENIX!" Ace unleashed blue and yellow flames similar to Marco. It soared towards Kizaru, pushing him back towards the sky until it eventually dispersed.

"You shouldn't get distracted, revolutionary." Akainu stole a book from Luffy, sending multiple fists of magma towards me. "Great Eruption."

"What a cool-sounding name, only if it didn't come from my brother! EARTH SMASH!" I blocked all the magma and swung my pipe with all my might, hitting his head again. He must be down for sure this time.

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