The Crumbling of a Big Wall

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"No way, he's still walking after all of that!" I watched Akainu struggle to stand up.

"There's no way I'm letting all of you scum get away after all you did. Kizaru!"

"There's no helping it. I need to get rough now." Multiple clones of Kizaru appeared around us, shooting us not only with light beams and fistful of magma, but also fistful of magma enhanced in a speed of light.

I instinctively pulled Ace towards me and hugged him in my left arm, shielding him with my body.

"The hell? That was completely unnecessary!" The barrier will be up in a minute, I just need to hold on.

"Save that for when we get out here alive." The barrier was up again, and all attacks coming towards us were nullified.

"Tsk. Kizaru." Akainu signalled.

"Oh, what a pain." I can already tell that this is not gonna go well.

"Hehe, I can finally show off my power!"

"Ace, we're not supposed to face them head-on!"

"Oh come on."

"As if you disgusting pirates can get away." All clones of Kizaru suddenly ran in circles, and Akainu was somehow nowhere to be found.

I used my Observation Haki to detect Akainu, but looks like they've already seen this far. They were able to mask his presence using Kizaru and his clones. I can feel Akainu's clones as well, but I can tell that none of them were the real one.

"Can't see a thing? Then burn them all." I gave way to Ace so that he can unleash his flames. "Great Flame Commandment: WALLS OF FLAME!" So flashy.

"You finished yet? Where are they?" I soon realized what they were aiming for. "Ace, get back here, quick!"

"Wha-!" Akainu's Hound Blaze suddenly appeared out nowhere, aiming for Ace alone. 

"NO!" I gripped on my pipe really hard and swung it to the Hound Blaze, making sure that it didn't hit him at all. 

"Jeez, so overprotective. I said I got this already."

"That's what Luffy did." Huh, my body... It hurts. 

"One person down." Ace glared at them.

"Tsk. Sabo, they're underestimating you now." 

"I just drained my Haki, that's all. I still have some fight in me."

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