The Reconnaissance

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"Oi Zoro!" Everyone from the Sunny ran to Zoro as soon as they saw him in the docks.

"You guys! Where's Chopper?" They circled around him and Luffy.

"Chopper? We haven't seen him yet. I'm sure he's with Law. They should be landing here soon." Nami answered.

"Right, Luffy will be unconscious for two days. I should go and lay him down the room." 

"Wait, wait, wait. We'll go with you. It's already a miracle that you managed to go back here without getting lost." Usopp insisted, taking everyone else with him.

"About that, how did you get here anyway?" Franky asked.

"I rode in Shanks' ship. They carried Ace and Whitebeard's bodies."

Not long after, a yellow ship emerged from the water, flooding the docks with water.

"Guys, that's Law and Chopper!" The door opened, letting Chopper out. He immediately jumped out and hugged everyone.

"I missed you everyone!" The next to come out were injured patients, and lastly Law.

"Just to inform you, I came back too. I died after fighting Blackbeard."

"Blackbeard? I didn't see this in a newspaper."

"Right, it was all too sudden. I still don't remember much as of now." He jumped down with the rest of his crew. "How about Straw Hat-ya?" He approached Luffy and checked his signs.

"How about it? Is it possible to wake him sooner?" 

"No. In fact, he should be asleep for at least a week to fully recover. Using his gears, especially that white one, forces his body to bend on his will. Receiving memories of the future also takes toll on the mind. It's already a miracle that all of us are awake right now."

"Then, where are we gonna go? We can't just stay here." Franky added.

"Last time, we were permitted to stay in Amazon Lily. I can't say the same right now."

"How about you all? Do you know any safe islands to stay?" Robin recalled how her two years went with the Revolutionary Army.

"Yohohohoho, I was locked up in a cage when I arrived in that island. I don't think it's safe."

"What the hell did you even do? Anyways, I arrived in one of Vegapunk's labs. I don't think it's safe there as well."

"Then, we're continuing the journey with Luffy asleep?" Sanji switched the topic before they ask him .

"I guess." They jumped in the Sunny and ate the dishes that Sanji prepared.

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