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"You talk as if we're not on a war." Kizaru flew high up in the sky and launched numerous light swords. Ace managed to avoid all of them due to being a Logia, but Sabo and Luffy had to deflect them using their Haki-infused arms.

Without them knowing, Akainu surrounded them with a magma wave.

Right on timing, Ace and Luffy jumped while Sabo attached his fingers on the ground. "DRAGON'S BREATH!"

"Nice!" This attack dispelled most of the magma flowing towards them.

"You clearly have some fight in you, brats!" Sengoku threw a haki-infused punch on the ground, causing it to separate into two.

"GOMU-GOMU NO SUSPENSION BRIDGE!" Luffy made a huge bridge that connected the two like a platform.

"Take this, FIRE FIST!" Ace jumped in the air and launched his signature move towards the three. 

"Ace, what was that weak ass attack?"

"It's a greeting, guys! A greeting!" They waited for the smoke to clear, and as expected, the three was just there crossing their arms.

"Is this the best that you can do?" Akainu talked like he was taunting Ace.

"Hehe, I have more on my sleeve." Sengoku butted in and pushed the two admirals away.

"In that case, we should stop playing around and get on with this already." Akainu tried to stop him, but he was ignored and treated like an obstacle in the way.

"You three are Garp's grandsons, so there's no way you bunch would be weak as hell." The ground shook in an intensity that can be mistaken as an earthquake.

"Is he finally transforming into that big, yellow thing again?"

"Seems more like it." As soon as he finished transforming, he delivered an air punch that travelled right down to the brothers, but they were parred by Sabo's pipe coated with Haki.

Like a dirty move, Akainu jumped down to their platform and unleashed a powerful wave of magma, and emerged from it was clones of Akainu holding one sword each.

"GOMU-GOMU NO RUBBER WALL!" He made a barrier between them and the lava.

The other admiral took this as a chance to launch numerous light beams, but Ace was quick enough to make another barrier. "FIRE FIST!"

Because of this, both Ace and Sabo had an agreement behind Luffy's back.

"Luffy, hold my hand!"

"Hold mine as well!" Luffy gave both his hands to his brothers, and soon after, he was sent flying towards the Buddha.

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