Ace's View/

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"So you finally made it here, Strawhat!" Sengoku stood up and got ready for an attack.

It's all my fault. It's all my damn fault, but you guys actually came to save me.

He punched Luffy hard enough to knock him down the platform and fly to Oyaji.

"LUFFY!" I screamed to him in worry.

"He's tough alright! I heard he ate the Gomu-gomu no mi, so he wouldn't feel anything with that punch." I sighed. Guess this man has a small spot for his best friend.

"Don't look at me like that! He just reminds me of Garp's rival." Garp's rival? That old man actually has a rival? Wait, is he talking about my dad?

"You mean Roger?"

"Yeah." I turned and watched as Luffy and Oyaji changed some words and both of them went back to their own businesses.

"Next time he comes back, I'm hurting him for real!" Sengoku declared as he glanced at me.

"You ain't getting outta there, yeah? Then I'll go get your stupid old man." He jumped down the platform as the new set of executioners came up.

"What do we do?" One of them asked.

"We'll wait for someone to order us." They stood behind me, facing each other.

"I can tell, he was holding back on me." Old man suddenly appeared behind the fleet admiral.

The highest marine ordered the two executioners to execute me. Guess it's time.

The two executioners held their swords, but one of them suddenly smirked and stabbed the other, but only me, old man and Sengoku witnessed it.

"Oi, what are you doing?" Both old men had their guards up.

"You Marines will never understand." He removed his hat and revealed a large 3 on his head.

"I'M HERE TO HONOR THE WILL OF MY LATE COMRADE!" He formed a wall between me and the Marines and quickly made a key to my handcuffs.

"Who are you?" I asked as he approached me and tried to remove my cuffs.

"I'm Mr. Three." Three? Isn't that Baroque Works?

"What does Crocodile want with me?" Before he managed to uncuff me, Sengoku transformed into a big Buddha and formed a big fist directed to us.

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