The Pirate King's Right Wing/

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"Zoro!" The swordsman immediately jumped and prepared a powerful slash while Luffy swung his foot around before hitting Akainu.

"Three-Sword Style: Tiger Slash!" He rushed towards the admiral and slashed him, while Akainu parried it with a magma fist, but Zoro was quick enough to slash him in person.

"Son of Dragon, I really underestimated you! I need to eliminate you myself." Akainu stood up slowly as he regained his stance.

"Captain, leave this guy to me. You have a stronger guy to beat in your hands!" Zoro glanced at the fleet admiral.

"I got it. I'll leave him to you." Luffy said as he brushed off his clothes, but as he was about to run somewhere else, Akainu launched a magma fist to Luffy.

"I won't let you get away!" The attack almost reached Luffy, only to be blocked by one of Zoro's swords.

"Your opponent is me!" Zoro unsheathed all of his swords and got ready to attack Akainu. 

"Ashura, blades drawn!" He created illusions with only his soul, making an illusion of two heads and four more arms, as well as copies of his swords.

"I will stop you here." Akainu coated his body with Armament Haki.

"Kyuutoryu: DRAGON TWISTER!" He spun around with his nine swords swaying with the wind, cutting Akainu in the process. Zoro knows that this guy is damn durable, so he waited for him to get up once again.

"Damn Haki users." He got up as he coughed blood. Luffy's attacks did a lot of damage in his organs, and Zoro's tornado slash was only to test his durability.

"It seems that I will never get past without killing you." He coughed as he launched a bunch of magma fists in which Zoro sliced and dodged with ease. He didn't manage to learn Akainu's fighting style before as he was busy with Fujitora and the one who faced him was Luffy.

"Let's see if you can get past me." He smiled devilishly as he coated his swords with Conqueror's Haki, one of the techniques he didn't know he learned until fighting Kaido. 

Akainu launched magma fists again and launched himself forward after, but he was too late.

"Kyuutoryuu: ONIGIRI!" Akainu immediately fell into unconsciousness again as his torso spewed blood from Zoro's slashes.

"I swear if he wakes up again-!" He didn't finish his sentence as more marines stepped forward and attacked him, only for them to be blown away by another tornado slash.

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