The Power of Flames

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"Flames! I need more flames!" Ace grinned as he strengthens the power of his flames imbued with Conqueror's Haki.

"I only have enough haki left to use in my pipe. I pushed way beyond my limits this time." I dispersed more of Kizaru and Akainu's clones.

"I told you to leave this to me." He created the exact same barrier that I constructed, while still generating his so-called one hit attack that will burn the both of them.

"Tsk. You disgusting pirates always find a way to crawl back from hell." 

"Enough of that, Sakazuki." Kizaru generated lasers that penetrated the ground. "So long. Looks like your bodies won't even be buried." The platform that we were standing on collapsed to the point where we're about to get buried alive. Not only that, Akainu started pouring down his magma.

"Tsk, Ace. When are you going to finish?"

"Don't worry, it's almost finished."

"Hurry up, we're about to get burnt to ashes." Ace stayed silent and focused on the so-called attack. "They left us alone, how arrogant." I chuckled and went to sit down for a bit. 

"Hahaha, they'll regret being so arrogant! SUPREME FLAME COMMANDMENT: GREAT FIRE FIST!" He jumped in the air and unleashed outrageous amounts of fire that only spread further with the help of oxygen. Even from here, I can barely breathe.

That didn't stop me from climbing back up to see if he actually burned our opponents.

"Ace, you did great." I grinned widely from satisfaction, knowing that the only opponent that Ace wasn't able to defeat is lying on the ground, unconscious. 

"Don't celebrate too early, we still need to get out of here." A horde of marines came after us. Perhaps the only one holding them back was because two admirals were fighting us.

"You'll taste the power of the Rust-Rust fruit!"

"How dare you kill the admirals!" Oi oi, they're still alive.

"These guys are small fries. I can do it again." Ace was continuously gasping for air, and he looks kinda worn out like me.

"No need, backup is coming."

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