Brain Freeze

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"Ace-san, you've been watching Luffy so intently." Yeah, the fact that I'm just standing here watching him is unbearable. If I didn't get taunted by Akainu, Luffy wouldn't have suffered like that.

"Then, why don't you go?" 


"Chopper is right! I think that's a bad idea as well!"

"Usopp-kun, don't you think he learned from his mistakes already?" She's right. This time, I won't let things like that happen again.

"Robin is right, I should go. Don't worry about me, it won't happen again!" I jumped down from the ship and was suddenly paired up with Aokiji. I doubt this is a coincidence, he might have led the charge to the only ship left in the place.

"Ara-ara, if it isn't the person we're supposed to execute." He launched ice shards towards me, but I countered it with my fire.

"You marines sound confident sending only you here."

"Well, it's because we are." He blew his breath towards me, but since I know what it does, I responded with one of my strongest attacks.

"FLAME COMMANDMENT!" I jumped in the air and did it once again to prevent the ice from spreading.

"Ice Block: Pheasant Beak."

"MIRROR FLAME!" I landed on concrete and cancelled his attack, sending another attack before he moves. "FIREFLY LIGHT: ATTRACT!" 

The fireflies I sent to him died, and he succeeded in doing what he was supposed to do.

"Ice Saber: Extend." What? There's something new? Anyways, whatever that means, it ain't good, so I better watch out.

"Tsk, GREAT FLAME COMMANDMENT: FIRE EMPEROR!" I concentrated the fire to my opponent, but he came out unharmed. That was one of my greatest attacks!

"That was close, I could have burnt my clothes." I see, so he manipulated his ice body to avoid my attack. 

"Whatever, it looks like you're not gonna come near me, so I might as well do this." 

"Ice Block: Avalanche!" The air above me turned to ice, but I saw this coming.

"GREAT FLAME COMMANDMENT: FIRE PILLAR!" The pillar was able to cancel out the ice.

"Ice Star!" My foot froze in place, and my surroundings are starting to turn to ice. 

"It looks like studies are right. No matter how intelligent you are, you can't think much when it's cold." Shoot, he must have done something to me before we fought like this!

Think, think! What am I supposed to do?

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