An Old Man's Love

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"Grandpa!" Luffy faced me head-on with his fist ready to attack any minute.

"You think you can beat me because you managed to beat Sengoku? I might not be in my prime, but I still have some fight in me!" I clenched my fists, ready to welcome my grandson with my biggest attack.

"Grandpa, stay out of our way! Why are you doing this?" He glared at me hardly.

"Why I'm doing this? To stop you of course! I'm a marine and you're a pirate!" I watched him swallow his anger and take a deep breath.

"Stop this grandpa! I'll-!" I punched him on his sides.

"Pirate, you've done it this time. You defeated all the admirals, and I'm the only one left who can put up a fight. I'll be the one ending you this time, Strawhat!" Would you look at that, he understood what I was trying to do! He grew up so quickly!

"GOMU-GOMU NO KAMINARI!" He summoned the lightning from the skies and launched it right at me. I was able to dodge it by jumping on the side.

"HAHA! You grew up splendidly! You can even put up a fight!" There's always been something weird ever since Luffy arrived. He feels too strong than the last time I met him. Nothing's adding up.

"GOMU GOMU NO SLINGSHOT!" He threw a giant cannon at me, so I threw it back at him with greater force. He was forced to throw it at the sky to avoid the after effects.

"You know you can't beat me yet, Luffy! You need to train for more years! BLUE HOLE!" I slammed his face on the ground with Armament Haki only.


"Shhhh! It's coming." I can see the terror creeping in his face.

"No, what are you doing?"

"Ha, this is the only way that I can protect you."

"Grandpa, no! GOMU GOMU NO BARRIER!" He created a rubber barrier to shield us from the impact.

"Hahaha, that thing is still too weak. It's no use."

"Stop what you're doing right now!"

"Don't worry, I'm not the Navy Hero for nothing." I felt as a beam shoots us from the sky. 

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