Surpass the Limits

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"How did he even become an Emperor like this? I didn't know Luffy was right when he said he was an idiot." I sighed as I watched Buggy, a future Yonko, run away from an Admiral. 

"Whatever, I might as well help him. Kizaru might attack us later on." I caught up to Kizaru and blocked his path.

"Ara ara, it hasn't been too long and you know Haki and Geppo already? You must have been born with natural talent." Kizaru commented.

"Geppo, you mean my Sky Walk technique?" I heard from Luffy that a marine opponent used to walk on the sky, so this was a well known move in Navy? Interesting.

"Whatever, it's impossible to learn it in a span of a week, you must be training it for ages, am I right?"

"Yes, and it's none of your business." They wouldn't care anyway, right?

"No matter. I assume you're delusional enough to step in my mission and face me?" This arrogant bastard. I'll show you the left hand of the Pirate King!

"Thank you, whoever you are!" Really, how is he a Yonko?

I watched Buggy run away and eyed the admiral carefully, so he doesn't run away and chase him.

"Well, I don't need to worry about him getting away, I can catch up easily." Let's see if you really can.

"Diable Jambe: COLLIER SHOOT!" I jumped to the air and caught fire to my legs before kicking him right in his neck, making him spew blood. I know this guy will be waking up soon, so I need a strategy to beat him fast and help the other ladies.

"Underestimation will lead you nowhere. That's why I never underestimate my opponents." I wasn't exactly hiding my aura either, but that pink aura is getting in the way, it's too strong that it enveloped the whole world and disabled all Observation Haki users to see auras. I know that I can use it to my advantage, but I'm unable to exactly square up with my opponent either, so I don't know which attack to use. Good thing I saw this guy fight beforehand.

"Those are wise words indeed. Well then, that means I'm going all out on you." He flew up as high as I can tell and released light-speed bullets, but I managed to dodge them all thanks to my future sight.

"Oh, you mastered future sight, huh?" He threw more bullets but this time, it followed me whenever it dodged, so I tried to use Armament Haki to bounce the bullets off me, but this body can't handle this much just yet. It's my old body after all.

"It seems that you overestimated yourself, why don't you try to back down and let me pass?" I managed to defeat him last time, and I should be able to surpass my limits and take him down again. I have gotten weaker, but that means he also got weaker! There's no way admirals just sit down their whole lives!

"Dream on, Kizaru! MUTTON SHOOT!" I kicked him so many times that he coughed blood after I finished my move, but my kicks are weak right now compared to last time, and this is an admiral right here. He's gonna recover really fast.

"Impressive, but still, not enough!" He kicked me so fast that I wasn't able to dodge quickly, and so in my last defense, I tried to use my Armament Haki, but it didn't work.

"Tsk. So in the end, I was strong only because of that bastard's enhancements." That thought pisses me off.

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