The War is Still Not Over

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Everyone still fought over their lives trying to escape Marineford, thinking that Ace had already escaped. 

"Everyone listen!" Marco's voice boomed in the battlefield. All the remaining pirates' attention went to him.

"We need to stay alive for the next generation, so try your best to escape your death! It's our promise to Oyaji!" He shouted as the pirates slain their enemies and tried to find a ship. The division commanders however, found a quiet area and discussed something out of marines' ears' reach.

"Ace is still here somewhere, we need to find and hide him!" Jozu, the Third Commander of Whitebeard Pirates suggested.

"He's on safe hands, so we don't need to worry about him. However, another rookie pirate was found earlier. They said he was looking for Ace's brother." Marco said.

"It can't be-"

"Yeah, there's definitely something wrong. Earlier, me and Oyaji sensed something otherworldly, and it seems that the admirals sensed it too." Marco added.

"There's something weird about Ace's brother too! Earlier, his hair turned white. That doesn't sound like something a paramecia would do." One of them who witnessed the scene suggested.

"Whatever the problem is, it's turning in our favor, we'll worry about that later. For now, we need to get everyone out of here." Marco declared as they all split up to do something.

As the war goes on, more and more lives are lost, traumatizing Coby. He was frozen in spot as he watched the blood spill on the concrete floor. 

"Should we really just stand here and do nothing? Oi Coby, pull yourself together!" Helmeppo tried to shake his friend, but he still watched the battlefield go on. Helmeppo's cries went louder as Akainu spots them hiding.

"Coby, Admiral Akainu is here! Do something!" The cries of both marines and pirates entered Coby's ears, tormenting him even further.

"You two. What are you doing here?"

Marineford|| A Short One Piece FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now