A Late Entrance

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"Zoro, carry Sanji inside! Hurry!" Nami shouted in panic. 

"I know! You guys hurry as well, I know Luffy will be fine." He trusted Luffy to an extent, but he can't help but feel like something bad is about to happen. "Tsk, you're one hell of a nuisance, damn cook." He hurriedly threw Sanji inside.

"Zoro, where the hell are you going?!!" As soon as he noticed that almost all of them is inside, he closed the door and barricaded it, jumping out of Sunny and located Luffy. 

Seeing the situation that he was in, Zoro sent one of his strongest slashes to Garp, who deflected it with only one hand.

"Tsk. It's about to come. What do I do?" His instinct took over his body and immediately rushed in to Garp to try and cover him from the upcoming attack, with his three trusted swords ready. If I can't even block this attack, I don't deserve to be the greatest swordsman. With that in mind, he waited until lasers rained from the sky and tried blocking one of them from ever hitting Garp.

"You're too weak right now, boy." He struggled for a bit, until a another sword appeared on his sight. Is it Garp? No he doesn't use a sword. Does that mean. He looked behind him, seeing Shanks helping him deflect more lasers.

"You need to focus, young man. Didn't Mihawk tell you this?" How did he know? "Wait, did he actually teach you? I was just guessing based on your swordplay."

"No, he didn't." He got back to the matter at hand until the reign of attacks in their area were over.

"Red Hair, you bastard! You were the one who made my precious grandson a pirate!"

"Hehehe. Relax! What's done is done! We should go evacuate first. Hop on my ship." Zoro carried the unconscious Luffy in his arms and hopped on. "Garp-san, you don't wanna get in?"

"Shut it, you little brat! I ain't some weakling!"

"Alright. We're going now!"

"Oi Zoro!" He looked back at Garp. "Take care of my grandson and get him away from this brat!"

"Yes, yes." The whole Marineford was smashed into smithereens, pushing the ship away from area.

Marineford|| A Short One Piece FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now