Sengoku's Worries/

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"I bet you're celebrating inside Garp!" I screamed at my best friend, Garp.

To be honest, I coudn't care less about a pirate, but they're executing this man for wrong reasons, and he was my best friend's grandson.

"Ever since your grandson invaded Marineford, all our planning has been for nothing!" I gritted my teeth, thinking about what to say to the higher ups.

"Just pass the job to one of the admirals. I bet they'll fight over it!" Garp laughed with his annoying grin as always.

"You know what, your stupid mouth actually gave me a great idea. I'm gonna pass my position to Admiral Aokiji." I snatched his rice crackers and ate it all, which made him stare at me with his mouth agape.

"Hey, that's mine!"

"Still, why would Crocodile help the other side? Didn't he come here to kill Whitebeard?" I thought about it carefully as I recall what happened earlier.


"Get ready, it's time to execute Ace!" I shouted as I watched the pirates enter the wall in panic.

"Yes, sir!" The executioners saluted as they point their blades to Ace's neck.

They proceeded to do it, until Crocodile throws two sand blades, knocking them out of the platform.


"Knowing him, he did it because he wants to get on with it already." It does sound like him.

"You actually point out something obvious sometimes, why not do it everyday?"

"Speaking of obvious, what do you think is that pink aura?" He pointed another mystery to me.

"I don't know, but probably a strong opponent who likes showing off. It might be Buggy's." I sat down beside Ace.

"Let's not worry about that, we should mind all our plans not working! It's your damn family's fault!" I crossed my arms.

"JAHAHAHAHA! Wait, where's my crackers?" He looked at his sides and even asked Ace, which he just shook his head.

"I ate it all, remember? Anyways, I'm doing it quickly after the new set of executioners come." I called for Admiral Kizaru.

"If you can." He said rather smugly.

"The most dangerous people here are Whitebeard and Buggy. I have to get rid of them." I asked for a new set of rice crackers for the both of us.

"Don't underestimate my grandson, Sengoku. I'm sure he will save Ace." He smiled while eating rice crackers.

"I'm currently getting rid of the threats, wait till your grandson gets a turn." I chewed on while talking.

"Sengoku-san, you called?" Kizaru arrived.

"Execute Buggy. He's the second most dangerous threat right now."

"Roger that, Sengoku-san." He boredly flew away in the speed of light.

"Before that, don't you think you should worry about that?" Garp pointed at a scene which made me surprised.

The once ice floor was already broken and full of ships, and Oars Jr. was throwing pirate ships one by one like a dodgeball.

"How did this happen? Call Akainu!" I called one of the standby marines and ordered them to fetch Akainu.

"Roger that, sir!" He ran and fetched Akainu, who was just standing there glaring at something.


"What happened to your plan? Why didn't it happen yet?" I scolded him, in which he fought back with a good reason.

"This wouldn't have happened if they didn't knew about the wall beforehand!" I sighed.

"Those idiots! Then, deal with Whitebeard right now!" He walked away going towards Whitebeard.

"There's something wrong going on behind the scenes. I can feel it."

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