Roger and Me/

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Lots of war shouts are heard within the battlefield, and I stood my ground as I fight the marines trying to block my way.

I widened my eyes in shock as a wave of extraordinary power enveloped the whole area.

"STOP IT!!!!!" I heard the Strawhat shout. It must be him who used the Conqueror's Haki.

He also has it? I smirked. I fought off every marines that tried to stab me, but I noticed that they were fewer compared to the marines chasing Dragon's brat.

I'm amazed that he didn't even hesitate to punch his own grandpa, but good luck to him, his next opponent is Sengoku.

"Ha! Even when I'm old, I'm still strong enough," I twirled my bisento and prepared my voice. "I AM WHITEBEARD!"

The marines trying to get to the brat suddenly turned to me. "I'm gonna kill you, Whitebeard!" One of the marine admirals threatened me.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" I heard a scream coming towards me.

"Brat, you good?" I see, the brat was kicked from the execution platform.

"I'm fine, don't worry." He stood up and readied once more.

I can tell he wasn't feeling too good, but still came here for his brother.

"How about taking a small rest with the doctors over there?"

"No way. I need to save Ace first." I knew that there was no point telling him that. I sighed. I'm reminded of Roger when it comes to his stubbornness.

"Before you go, tell me one thing. Why do you want to be the Pirate King?" I flinched at my own question.

"Well, since you're Ace's dad, I think I'll tell you. I-" I gasped in shock.

"If we can get there, we'll be in both name and deed," Roger paused for a minute. "Then we'll be the world's greatest pirate group!" What?

"The world's greatest?" Oden asked.

"You must be surprised, Newgate!" Roger continued to laugh.

"That's right! Then I'll-"

Is this some kind of fate?

"Strawhat, I'll make sure to capture you!" I gained myself from the shock and stared at the brat.

The one that Roger's been waiting for might be someone like this brat.

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