Mysterious Man/

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"I knew you'd overdo it!" An angry scream rang through my ears. The voice was a bit familiar, though I can't pinpoint who it is.

"This is all because of his wink!" Crocodile? Was that Crocodile?

"Vyou're blaming this on vme, Croco?" Iva-chan? What's going on?

Wait, am I back at Marineford? Is this what heaven is like?

"No it's not, Pirate King. This is your second chance." I flinched at the deep voice I heard. It sounds like Tra-o but a little bit higher.

"Who are you?" I said rather loudly that made everyone look at me.

"Did you suddenly forget everything now that we're dying?" Crocodile said smugly.

"Are vyou alright, Strawhat-boy?" Iva-chan looked at me with worry.

"Answer him, Pirate King. Only you can hear me." I followed the voice as I said I'm fine to Iva-chan.

"The adrenaline may last one day, but it will wear off soon if vyou receive more injuries, that's why vyou need to be careful." Iva-chan said worringly, but I ignored him as I try to think about what's happening.

"Do I really need to explain everything to you?" The voice sighed.

"You should only think about what you're gonna say if you're talking to me." He instructed.

Like this? I thought.

"Yes. Now, I will explain what's happening and give you some rules about time travelling."

Why do I need to follow your rules? I complained.

"Good grief, if you don't want to ruin your chance at saving everyone else, you need to follow me."

"You're awfully quiet, Strawhat." Crocodile mocked me and made me snap back to reality.

"What, you finally chickened out? Is that it?" I ignored him and looked at Ace. To save you, I'm gonna have to follow the rules.

Marineford|| A Short One Piece FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now