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This cold is unbearable. I can't think much.

"Is this your end, Fire Fist Ace?" No, this isn't my end. It shouldn't be.

"Oil Star!" Who the fuck threw oil at me?

"Firebird Star!" A rather large bird of flames was shot towards me. It quickly got rid of the cold mist around my head.

"ACE, WE'LL BACK YOU UP FROM HERE!" I looked at the direction of the ship. It was so far away, but they managed to give me some back up. I shouldn't disappoint them.

"Phew, that was a pathetic display." I almost ended up in the same situation as before.

"I have already seen what you got. It's useless." I laughed for a bit before responding.

"Ha, concerned about me? That was just the beginning!" I grinned as I unleashed large amounts of fire under the ground, causing it to crack. I flew above ground to spot Aokiji and sent a big flame dragon towards him.

"I forgot I have Haki for a second. That damn mist." I used my Armament Haki to counter the incoming wave of ice and released my fire with it.

"Tsk, a Haki user." 

"There's more incoming!" I grinned and unleashed my signature move towards him, which he blocked with another wave of ice.

"This isn't ending, right Ace?" I need more power in my arsenal. Have I become pathetic that my fire can barely burn his ice?

"That's right. It's time to go all out." Remember... I need to remember how I used to unleash my fire. I closed my eyes and turned my hand into fire. 

"This is it! GREAT FLAME COMMANDMENT!" I gave my all into the attack, and it was able to instantly melt Aokiji's Ice Age before it spreads.

"You too, as expected of the son of the Pirate King." He tried to extinguish my flame, but he failed.

"I don't know what you're talking about, but take this!" I used the move once again along with fireflies. He was caught by them, so I had the chance to use my signature move. "FIRE FIST!"

"Tsk, I can't get out this time. You win." He raised both his hands to surrender.

"Like hell I will let you leave." I was about to attack him again, when he stopped me with his hand along with a coughing fit.

"Hear me out, will you? I'm about to die here, your Haki is too strong." Haki? I never used Haki.

"Like hell I'll listen to a marine." 

"I swear I'll disappear, just let me go this time." 

"No way. FLAME COMMANDMENT!" This time, my fire became so strong that it burnt even the concrete floor. After the fire dissipated, I heard a series of coughing fit.

"You're just like your brother sometimes." What does he want with Luffy?

"Fine, I'll hear you out." I let him go, expecting to be tricked. He just stood there though.

Marineford|| A Short One Piece FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now