The Darkness Strikes

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"Borsalino, are you there?" I chuckled as I opened my eyes. "You're heavily injured."

"I know." Silence filled the air. 

"Why did you pretend to be unconscious?" I knew that he was gonna ask.

"Pirates' sins cannot be erased, that's why I want to see them suffer."


"The three admirals are finally defeated!" Every pirate in the vicinity celebrated.



"Ace and his other brother is back!" Everyone made way for the two. They were both limping and are heavily injured, but it's already impressive enough that they made it back intact.

"Get them to Law and Chopper!" Everyone assisted them to me.

"Get them here, now!" They made them lie down on one of the beds. 

"Law, long time no see." Sabo greeted me. I clicked my tongue.

"You three are definitely brothers." I crossed my arms, observing most of their injuries. They have second and third degree burns all over their body, and signs of fatigue are present. "All these injuries will heal for at least 2 years."

"We have enough time, then. I heard from Luffy that he has a place to stay, so maybe we'll ask Hancock to take refuge in their island." 

"Hancock, you mean that Pirate Empress Hancock? She hates men, right?" Ace asked.

"Apparently not Luffy-awww!" I forced them to lay down.

"Chill man, it hurts a bit."

"Don't tell me to chill when you reckless people barge in my ship with injuries everywhere!" I cleaned their wounds and wrapped it with bandages. "You two are finished. Make sure to lie down here while I tend to the patients outside." 

"Hey, that's fast." I stayed silent as Ace checks out his wounds. 

"Ahem, I'm going outside. Just call one of my crew if you need something." I rushed outside to check out other pirates with frostbites and first degree burns.

"Hey guys, what's with the sky?" 

"Huh, the sky?" I looked up and noticed how the clouds dimmed. It was as if the sky itself opened it's eyes. Oh god, it's that thing again!

"Everyone, run inside! Get ready to submerge immediately!" I shouted as I guided everyone inside. Thank god I only took a few patients.

"What's happening?" As soon as everyone was inside, I didn't waste enough time to clean up and closed the door immediately.

"Submerge, now!"

"Yes, captain!" As soon as the ship sank, I heard an explosion large enough to push us away from Marineford.

"Captain, the ship is damaged!"

"Resurface immediately!" I wonder what happened to the Strawhats. I can't help but look at the direction of their ship.

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