Lazy Justice

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"This fight will never end, and if it does, you'll end up as the victor."

"What the hell do you want? Just get to the point!" 

"I don't wanna die here, so I'm making a deal with you instead." Why is he surrendering so easily?

"Just say it already."

"I'll quit being a marine." What the-! "In exchange, take care of Robin well." Does he know Robin?

"I don't need your words. I'll take care of my brother as well as his crew anyway. Just tell me why you're doing this."

"I told you, I don't wanna die here. Your Conqueror's Haki added to your flames is already threatening my life." Conqueror's Haki with my flames? That's possible?

"You don't look like you're lying." 

"Why would I lie? In the name of Lazy Justice, I would rather let you go here so that I can live and make a better world." Now this guy is spouting nonsense.

"Stop saying nonsense. What do you want with Robin?" He turned around and left, so I summoned my flames to block him.

"Fine, fine. It might not look like it, but I took care of her before. Don't pry too much, just fulfill the end of the deal." Just as I was about to turn around and leave, an Ice Golem blocked my way.

"What the-! I knew that guy was up to something!" I crossed my fingers after jumping to avoid it's attack.

"CROSS FIRE!" The golem instantly melted the moment my fire made contact. I see what he is doing.

I knew it as soon as I turned around. Multiple Ice Golems are present, spread throughout the battlefield. 

"Looks like I'm gonna have to take care of them." I thought of what he said earlier. Conqueror's Haki mixed with my fire. I grinned, staring at my fist.

"Firefly: EXTERMINATE!" I sent my fireflies across the battlefield to battle with the Golems. Infused with my will, they can change their own forms according to the situation.

"I'll look for Luffy this time." I battled the marines along my way to make my way to Luffy.

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