Coffee shop 🍄

811 18 3

High school AU


Katsuki worked behind the counter of his parents coffee shop. This coffee shop was a good half hour away from the UA campus.

Katsuki was wearing something no one would see him in, a white oversized hoodie with ripped jeans and a chain on his jeans.

Katsuki didn't have his binder on either so he didn't want any hugs.

The male was taking orders for the customers today was one of their busiest day, but then the door opened of the coffee shop and he saw some people he didn't expect to see.

"Kiri! What do you want" Karminari shouted at the male walking in the shop.

"Oh Bakugo?" Bakugo turned round not facing the other.

"I didnt know you worked here" Denki questioned.

"Yeah, and!" Bakugo raised his voice, causing the whole coffee shop to look over.

"You're lucky I'm working" He whispered.

"Bakubro" Kirishima smiled, causing Bakugo to blush.

"What do you guys want?" Kirishima and Karminari looked at the menu.

"Mina would want the pink drink" Katsuki looked up.

"What that one" he pointed to the picture.

"Yeah" Kirishima nodded

"Thats our special chilly pepper coffee" Kirishima looked at Denki who was disgusted.

"Maybe not that then" Kirishima laughed

"I think Mina would like the cotton candy and lollipop milkshake" Bakugo suggested.

"Yeah we will go with that, and can i have a Caramel frappe cold" Denki stated.

"And can i have a cookies and cream boba with normal tapioca" Kirishima smiled.

"That will be 8.45 please, card or cash?" Denki payed using his card and went over to a table, Kirishima slipped a reasonable tip into the tip jar before winking at Katsuki.

Mina soon came in and sat down "is that Bakugo?!" She was surprised to see him behind the till.

"Yep, we ordered you a cotton candy and lollipop milkshake" Mina's eyes light up at the sound of candy.

"Here you go" Katsuki put the tray down in front of the trio before leaving.

"Kat!" A women ran up to the boy hugging him, the women looked a bit older than Katsuki and funnily she looked just like him too.

"You clock off now, go sit with your friends" the women lifted her eyebrows and smirked looking at Kirishima. "Is he your bae" she whispered.

"Shut up! Take it" he handed her the apron before sitting with the trio.

"Hi!" Kirishima hugged his boyfriend, quickly realising his binder wasn't on. He removed his arms from Katsuki's chest area knowing he would get self conscious.

"Bakugo" Kirishima whined laying his head on his boyfriend wanting his attention.

Katsuki just started to stroke Kirishima's hair, while listening to Denki talk about how his tortoise started to fly.

Katsuki just started to stroke Kirishima's hair, while listening to Denki talk about how his tortoise started to fly

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