Ei, I Can't 🥀 (TW: ED)

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Highschool AU

Before you read this one shot this is mostly about an ED (eating disorder) a TW is in place for those who need it.


Katsuki sat in his room, crying again. This was the 4th night in a row that he cried himself to sleep.

The male couldn't deal with it anymore, he stress ate, real bad, to the point he was sick. He hated the way he looked, he hated how when he was weak his only friend was food.

But thats not just the issue, he constantly eats when he is stressed, if he is worried for an exam he thinks he is going to fail or when someone talks down on him.

No one saw what happened behind closed doors, no one understood his pain, the way he shuts everyone out when he is stressed or when he sits out of training when he puts on some weight.

He will sit and eat meals, not all the meal barely even half, he cant help but eat the worst things a hero can, sweets, chocolate, doughnuts anything sugary.

Katsuki will skip lunch most of the time, his excuse it always he doesn't wanna puke it up while training.

The male fell asleep on his damp pillow and his grip tight around his duvet.

"Bakubro, you ready?" Ejirou knocked on the door.

The blonde had rushed to get changed due to waking up 30 minutes late.

"Coming shitty hair" Katsuki stopped infront of the mirror, he hated how the uniform hugged his figure.

"Right lets go" He swung open the door, grabbing his backpack.

When the pair arrived the whole class were joking and laughing about random conversations, not that Katsuki cared, but he did.

What if someone noticed, what if they knew, what if they heard him crying, do his cheeks look more round, does his stance look weak.

Anxiety rushed through his body as he sat down in his seat, the way his thighs had spread on the chair made him sick.

"Right class, settle down" the whole class immediately became quiet to listen to their home room teacher.

"As it is mental health week, principal Nezu had asked for everyone to do activities in their home room all week" the explained

"Everyday there will be a phone number on the board, so if anyone needs support or advice on anything, they can call up free of charge" Aizawa looked down at the notes

"This week will be hard hitting for some people so i expect no one to be judged if they wish to leave that is their choice and privacy to do so" He took a breathe

"Today will be about help lines you can call, Tomorrow is about coping mechanisms good and bad, Wednesdays is acceptance and how people might struggle to accept they need help, Thursday is how peers and colleagues can help someone in a healthy way and finally Friday will be a survey and getting to know terms and being about to understand mental health" the whole class nodded their heads.

For the whole 25 minutes they had to listen to Aizawa talk about help lines and how someone them are only for certain mental disorders where as some where generally all of them.

They went into a tiny bit of detail on how people who suffer might feel and why they might not want help, but Aizawa cut the conversation short because they would be doing that topic in a couple of days.

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