What do you want? 🌷

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Future AU

No ones pov:

Bakugo opened his door to an annoying knocking.

"What do you want?" Bakugo asked

"Look what I found on the way here!" The red head held a kitten in his arms, the kitten was tiny, very slim and had light grey fur.

"What the fuck Kirishima?!" The male at the door smiled and invited himself in.

"You gotta take that to the fucking vets it probably has flees" Bakugo tried to step away from the cat.

"You're right, lets go to the vet" the red head started to leave.

"Will you drive me?" He asked smiling sheepishly.

"For fuck sake, just go to the car" the blonde didn't have anything else to do, so he might as well get this over and done with.

"So would you like to keep the kitten or we can take it in and have someone adopt it?" Ejirou looked sad when the girl said for someone else to adopt it.

"I want to keep it" he smiled

"So i presume you two are adopting it?" She asked

"No no just him" Katsuki was quick to state.

"Ok, do you have a name for the kitten" Ejirou immediately smiled

"Im going to call it Ren" The lady smiled and passed Ejirou the folder

"Bring him back in a year for a check up" the males both left saying good bye.

"You have a cat now" Katsuki stated

"Yes" he giggled

'Cute' Katsuki thought.

"Hey bakubro, would you like to catch dinner in a bit, it almost 5pm" Katsuki looked over

"Sure" he didn't have any shifts later anyway.

"Yay!" He smiled, they both decided to go to a McDonalds drive through as its not fair to leave the kitten alone on its first night.

Ejirou was an animal collector, lots of times he would find animals on the streets take them in care for them then get attached and adopt them, and thats why the male had 2 dogs and now 2 cats.

The red head has collected more over the years as Katsuki knows because he always comes to him, one of the first ones he found was his now dog Kieko, she was a husky, after that Ejirou found birds, he would take them in help them back onto their feet and let them go, last year he had managed to help a butterfly he called it Aiko.

Then he saved his other dog Haru, Haru is a Golden retriever, the dog just turned up outside his house once, then he found his cat Akira, he found Haru and Akira at the same time which was cute, and obviously that brings us to now.

"Hi" Katsuki teased the dog who had jumped up onto him "this food isn't for you princess" he rubbed her head before heading to the latter's Kitchen.

"Here" Katsuki handed Ejirou his burger and Chips along with his drink.

"go put something on the TV you know your way around" the blonde took his food through and plopped down onto the sofa.

He turned on the TV and put on some show for them both to watch in the background of chatting.

"Guess what!" The red head sat next to the other male.

"What?" He asked, taking the burger away from his mouth.

"Denki and Hitoshi are getting married" Katsuki eyes widened.

"Wow already, arn't they a bit young?" Ejirou just laughed

"Bro we are all almost 30, if we don't commit now we might never commit" Katsuki agreed with that statement.

"So, why haven't you committed yet?" The blonde stated bluntly

"Well i-I dont think the person i like is ready for that" The redhead looked down at his food.

"And how do you know that?" Ejirou laughed slightly.

"They told me" katsuki looked up, the red head looked at him.

"Why don't you just ask them and see what happens" Ejirou sighed.

"I dont know?" He looked back down.

"Hey, last time i checked you weren't a pussy, and besides if they say no maybe you can stay friends?" The red head agreed.

"Just text them and say you wanna go on a date with them" Ejirou smiled slightly

"fine" he smiled again, he pulled out his phone and texted someone.

"Who was it" Bakugo teased

"None of your business" he pulled his phone away.

"Ugh fine tell me later, if they reply"  the red head smiled before concentrating on the show on the TV.

The both of them just played games on the Wii and watched loads of TV and drank different kinds of fizzy drinks.

"Right, i should get going hope you have fun with the new kitten" Ejirou smiled before letting him out.

"See you tomorrow at work" ejirou stated

"Yeah cya" they both said goodbyes.

The blonde got into the car before he pulled out his phone, his mum had phoned him.

"Katsuki!!" The male sighed

"What?" The women at the other end of the phone sounded mad

"Oi don't speak to me like that you brat, i want to know when i get to see my son again?" the blonde laughed slightly.

"I don't know ok, i have been mega busy but i will tell you when i am ok" Katsuki sighed

"Ok, fine, talk to you later" Mitsuki hung up

Once the call ended whatsapp opened and the male had a notification from Ejirou.

He clicked on the message which stated
'Would you like to go on a date with me'

How did his phone not go off!?

The male immediately got himself out of the car as he was still at Ejirou's place.

He ran up the stairs and stood out side the males door knocking it repeatedly, the dogs immediately started barking.

"Ok Ok calm dow-" the red head opened the door "Kat?" Ejirou couldn't even ask why the male was here before he was shut up.

Their lips connected and Katsuki's hands cupped his face.

"i will go on a date with you shitty hair" Ejirou immediately smiled before pulling the blonde into his apartment kissing him, they closed the door behind them.

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