Im Fine 🥀

486 7 5

Future Au

Tw: mention of SH
Longer chapter


Pro hero dynamite
Ground Zero
Katsuki Bakugo
#2 hero
Explosive hero

Katsuki had so many titles, most of them are from fans and friends, he loved his fans he never said that in interviews, but he really did appreciate them.

The blonde had everything he had ever wanted, he was so close to being number 1 he was number 2 at the moment, but he was ok with that, for now.

He is a pro hero, he has amazing friends, a massive apartment a lot of money and his own company with Red riot.

It was everything he could dream of, but why did he still feel like this.

The male stood in front of his bathroom mirror tear stained cheeks and an emptiness feeling in his heart, he felt nothing.

He needed to feel something anything, he opened the cabinet and grabbed some razors, he really didn't want to, but it was like his body moved on his own.

He cursed as he washed his legs quickly wrapping them in bandages, his breathing was heavy, tears of pain rushed down his cheeks, he grunted every time his clothes touched his thighs.

Katsuki continued with his day, he cant look suspicious to the media or they would catch on, he had to keep a good image for himself, what would people think if they knew.

Would they think he is ungrateful

He couldn't deal with that, not now, not ever, no one will know and he will make sure to keep it that way.

The male refused help, he didn't need it, its a waste of time for a therapist and him, he has been dealing with this since he was a teen he can sure deal with it now.

The blonde walked into the company, saying hi to trainees and staff who passed

"Kat!" There he stood, god himself the brightest man in the whole world.

"Ei" he greeted, oh didn't you know, Katsuki has a massive crush on Ejirou ever since they left highschool

"How is the big man himself today" Ejirou laughed

"Im fine what about you shitty hair" he smirked

"Im amazing" he smiled at the shorter male "oh i forgot to tell you, i got inspired by Izuku at his company they brought in a mental health specialist to make sure everyones health is ok, so i went and got one for later today" Katsuki brain went blank.

"Why didn't you ask me before you did that" he coughed out.

"Well Izuku had a member of his staff commit a while back and he thinks its very important, i would hate for it to happen here too, hero work is very stressful" the blonde agreed with him, hero work is stressful.

"Right im off i have a patrol in twenty see ya later alligator" Ejirou sang.

Katsuki just waved to the red head 'how can he be so calm' he sighed and made his way to his office.

Everyone has felt like this before, its normal, its not just him, he will be fine, no will know. (Little did he know, its not normal)

When the blonde reached his office there was a massive stack of paper work on his desk, he sighed as it wouldn't do itself.

He sat down and started the work, most of it was long detailed mission reports and others were to take on trainees for an apprenticeship.

He took out his approve stamp and started to stamp away at the paper work, that's the downside of being a boss of everyone is he has to approve missions, reports, trainees etc.

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