Children? [2] 🌷

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Part two of previous chapter

Future au


A few days later-

Katsuki sat on their shared bed and was thinking about a way to tell Ejirou he wanted kids, after so long of them being together.

The male was shit when it comes to words so maybe if he just said it maybe that could work?

Katsuki shook his head and thought about a more romantic way to do.

Ejirou was currently on a mission so that left Katsuki with a few hours to prepare.

The male stood from his spot and quickly ran to get his shoes and coat on before leaving for the shops.

When he arrived at the shops he grabbed a basket and walked round, everything had to be perfect.

He grabbed a packet of false rose petals, a cute card.

Just before he was about to leave, the baby isle caught his attention.

There were so many cute outfits, there was a small mint green dress which had a tutu with daisy scattered over it.

He then noticed the cute little red riot baby grow, it said 0-3 months on it and Katsuki knew that was it, the icing on the cake, the cherry on top, whatever you want to say, it is it.

"Oh, are you expecting?" An old lady working at the till asked "she must be a very lucky lady to be with a hottie like you" Katsuki smiled.

"We are planning" Katsuki realised thinking about a baby with his husband was the cutest thing ever.

He didn't bother correcting the old lady she was doing her job and didn't want to explain to her what being gay meant.

Soon the male arrived back home, he had about 45 minuets to set everything up.

He scattered the rose petals on the floor and placed then in a heard shape on the bed, he quickly wrote the card and placed it down. Now, where to place the baby grow.

Ejirou's home

Soon Ejirou got home, he took his shoes and coat off and shouted his husbands name, which he got no response.

"Kat's probably out" he stated to their cat who was wanted fed.

"Its not your feeding time" Ejirou picked up his cat kissing him on the head.

Ejirou quickly made his way upstairs, undressing out of his hero suit as he did, he noticed something on the bed.

He picked up the card and opened it.
On the front it said "I have something to say". Ejirou being confused he opened up the card quickly.

To My beautiful husband

Ejirou smiled before reading the note inside.

I have been needing to talk to you about this for awhile and im sorry i have been a stubborn bitch and not talked about it.

I know it has been on your mind and i have finally come to a conclusion, meet me where we had our first date.

Ejirou was so confused, he knew it wasn't marriage but he didn't want to waste time, he quickly threw on a shirt snd some jeans before practically running out of the door.

Their first date was in a little coffee shop about five minutes from UA. It was a cute little family run cafe.

When Ejirou arrived, he immediately noticed the blonde, but he also saw a gift bag with him.

Ejirou sat across from his husband and immediately held his hand.

"Are you alright, I'm worried" Ejirou looked at his husband immediately, making eye contact.

"Im alright, i ordered the same thing we had here 13 years ago" the male smiled

"You remembered that?!" Katsuki smiled with pride "also that long ago jeez" Ejirou leant back on his chair.

"Here is your orders sir" the young girl put the tray down in the table.

"Whats in the bag" Ejirou pointed to the bag which had cute little teddy bears on it.

"You very observant" Katsuki picked up the bag passing it to his husband.

"Open it if you like?" You didnt have to tell Ejirou twice, he immediately pulled the thing out of the bag, it was wrapped in red tissue paper.

He unwrapped the tissue paper to reveal a red riot baby grow.

"Kat" He looked up to him husband, tears in his eyes.

"Im sorry i'm bad with words, but Ejirou, i want to start trying for a baby" At this point tears were already falling down his face.

"Kat" Ejirou stood up and hugged his husband.

"A-Are you sure you're ready" Ejirou stood back.

"Yeah, i am, i spent ages thinking about it" Katsuki kissed his husband's fore head.

"Lets take our drinks and go home?" Ejirou nodded and grabbed his drink and Katsuki got the bag and presents.

The couple slowly walked hand in hand back to their car.

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