Forehead kisses 🌷

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High school AU


Its almost two months into Kirishima and Bakugo's relationship, they have used their first names, they have cuddled; even shirtless.

But now Ejirou had picked up a habit 'forehead kisses' he lifts up Katsuki hair, which almost covers his eyes, exposes his fore head then kisses it.

You see Katsuki didnt mind this he actually thought it was cute, but the red head started to do it in public, infront of the class and thats when it got embarrassing.

"Morning!" Kirishima beamed, even though it was eight in the morning somehow he was as bright as the sun.

The male walked over to Katsuki, he lifted his hair and placed a kiss on his forehead, a few giggles could be heard in the class room.

"Fuck off" the blonde pushed his boyfriend away.

Ejirou was used to this by now but decided to give his boyfriend some space.

'Is Ejirou ignoring me' Katsuki asked himself as he watched his boyfriend walk out of the class room with the squad.

Katsuki thought it was best to just not bother his boyfriend maybe snapping made him upset.

The blonde burst into a room at sat down "Bakugo what happened?" A lady sat at a desk asked.

"Nothing" The women laughed

"Sure, take your time" Katsuki was currently in a place called 'Support'.

Support is a place that kids get therapy and some of the more troubled kids stay in during certain lessons.

"You know you cant be in here at break time" Katsuki hummed

"Go into the library come back afterwards i will mark you out for the rest of the day" the blonde stood up and took his stuff into the library, he just sat and did homework for ten minutes.

"Right what happened" she asked the male once he came back In "is it about Kirishima again, you know he can never be pissed off at you" funnily enough Katsuki sister was his therapist.

"I know, but i snapped and them he didnt wait for me after class" his sister leaned forward

"And why did you snap?" The blonde huffed

"He kept giving me these forehead kisses, don't get me wrong i love them its just someone laughed and i made me uncomfortable" The therapist laughed

"So instead of telling your boyfriend it made you uncomfortable, you shout in his face?" The blonde nodded

"Look, for the last year i have been teaching you how to show emotions and you're really good, but you need to use the skills in everyday life" the blonde kind of understood.

"So i should say sorry?" His sister nodded.

"Only if you want to, not because i want you to" Bakugo stood up

"Thanks bitch" she laughed

"Oi language" They both said good bye and Katsuki made his way to his lesson he missed ten minutes of.

"Where did you go?!" Ejirou whispered.

"Uh no where" he looked away.

"Sure, we have half a day so tell me after class yeah" the blonde nodded before holding his boyfriends hand.

"Bakugo and Kirishima, please make sure you're listening and keep your hands to yourselves" everyone turned to look at them.

"Ugh, fuck this" The blonde just picked up his bag and left.

"That was expected" one of the girls laughed.

"So can anyone tell me the most reactive element in the reactive series" the teacher went on.

"Sorry about class" The red head knocked on Katsuki's door.

"Dont be sorry, its not your fault" he opened his door.

"Did you cry" the blonde looked away.

"Kat!" Ejirou ran into his arms and hugged him, closing the door with his foot behind him.

"Hey baby its ok, don't worry they are just jealous because you're hot" The male smiled

"Im glad you think that" The red head lifted the males chin

"Babe you are" Katsuki got embarrassed and hid his face in Ejirou's chest

"Im sorry for snapping" Ejirou looked down confused.

"Oh! No its ok, don't worry i wasnt mad" Ejirou smiled

"But you walked out of class without me?" Ejirou kissed his boyfriend

"I wanted to give you space" Katsuki just laughed realising their mistake.

"Right" Ejirou hugged his boyfriend tighter

"Take this binder off then we can watch some shitty show like big mouth" Katsuki nodded and went into the bathroom to change.

"Can you grab me a hoodie please" Ejirou took off his own hoodie and passed it through the door.

"You were just wearing this" Ejirou laughed as he got up big mouth on the TV.

"Its still warm" he giggled as he walked through and started to cuddle his boyfriend.

"Love you!" Katsuki's head rested on Ejirou's chest.

"Wanna watch or just cuddle?" The blonde smiled

"Cuddle please, I'm too tired to concentrate" Ejirou nodded and started to massage Katsuki's head

"Love you" Katsuki smiled

"I love you more" Ejirou pulled up Katsuki's hair and kissed his forehead

"Sure" Katsuki rolled his eyes before laughing.

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