You have two mums?! 🌷

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High school AU


Kirishima was so nervous today, it wasn't a normal Saturday, well it was but there was something happening today.

His boyfriend was going to meet his parents, there is nothing wrong with that of course but it made Ejirou nervous, no one knows he has two mums.

Its not that he doesn't think Katsuki will accept them, its more of the fact if he lets it slip to other people, he had been through this in his head all morning.

Katsuki might tell the squad thinking they know and Denki's blabber mouth would tell someone else, but then Katsuki isn't someone to tell people things, but what if he assumed they knew.

The red head sighed putting his head in his hands, a loud knock echoed on in his room "Oi, shitty hair you ready? I packed my over night bag" the red head panicked.

"U-uh yeah just coming sorry i forgot to brush my teeth" the blonde let himself in.

"Go brush your teeth silly" he smirked

The red head stood up and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. "All done" he smiled, walking out of the bathroom with his tooth brush and slotting it into his over night bag.

"Lets go" Katsuki stood up from Ejirou bed as he grabbed his bag, the red head followed not far behind.

Once they left the dorms Kirishima's mum picked them up "hi mum" Ejirou smiled

"Hi sweetheart, you both ready?" Katsuki and Ejirou nodded.

It wasn't long before they arrived at the Kirishima house hold, it was a beautiful house, Katsuki loved these kind of houses, because his parents were rich fashion designers they had always lived in a modern house but this house in-front of him was the opposite.

It had blue wood tiles all up the sides, the patio was beautiful it was decorated with plants, the sunflowers were Katsuki's favourite.

The house had this beautiful white wooden door, it really looked like something out of a fantasy book.

As they went inside Katsuki nose was attacked with this yummy apple pie scent, the house was very open plan you could almost see everything from the hall way.

"Come on, i will show you my room" the red head grabbed his boyfriends hand and dragged him up the beautiful wooden stairs.

"Why am i not surprised" he stated looking at all the crimson riot posters and merch.

Ejirou's room was very different to his UA dorm, it had salmon pink walls, he had a double bed and a gaming computer in one corner. Across from his bed was a TV mounted to the walls with a Nintendo switch and a PS4 plugged in.

"Wanna play some smash bros?" Ejirou asked

'I wanna smash you' Katsuki thought "yeah" he replied.

They had been playing for almost an hour now and Kirishima's mum had called them down for dinner.

"You didnt tell me you had a sister?" Katsuki stopper as a woman identical to the red head was in front of him, except she had her natural black hair in a bun.

"Oh Ejirou, aren't your friends so nice" she laughed "im his mother" she held out her hand, Katsuki shook it immediately.

"Im Katsuki" he stated looking up at her.

"Come on boys dinner is ready" Ejirou's other mum called from the kitchen.

"You didn't mention you had two mums?" Katsuki asked

"You assumed everyone has Straight parents?" Ejirou said in defence "sorry, look i will explain later, lets just eat" the blonde was a bit concerned because his boyfriend never speaks out like that.

On the dinner table sat bowls of Pasta bake, Ejirou and Katsuki love pasta bake.

Soon the boys go back upstairs as they want to play more games and probably make out.

"So why didnt you tell me you had two mums?" Katsuki sat down on the bed.

"Well...I guess i didnt want anyone knowing" he looked away.

"Why, its not like i would judge you or anything?" Katsuki explained

"Yeah but people in middle school did, they made it a joke and they made me feel like shit and i didn't want the same to happen at school, UA is my fresh new start, i was someone else in middle school" Katsuki stood up and wrapped his arms around the red head.

"I can see why you didn't want to tell anyone but a heads up would have been nice?" Ejirou looked down as tears lingered in his eyes.

"Sorry, yeah i should have told you" he look up as a tear ran down his cheek.

"Hey hey, come on dumbass dont cry" he cupped Ejirou's face.

"Come on lets watch some stupid videos or something" the red head nodded.

Katsuki sat down on the bed opening his arms for his boyfriend to cuddle, the red head immediately took up the offer and rested his head on his boyfriend chest and tightly wrapped his hands around his waist. The blondes hands immediately started to stroke Ejirou's hair, it was so soft.

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