Life guard training 🌷/🥀

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Highschool AU


"Right class, listen up" Aizawa got the whole class listening

"Today we will be doin a different kind of training" the male wrote the words on the board.

'LifeGuard Training'

"We thought today would be a good day to teach you to act fast when needed and when you least expect it" everyone was excited for this so they were defined looking forward to it.

The class all put their stuff in their hotel rooms before making their way down to the beach

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The class all put their stuff in their hotel rooms before making their way down to the beach.

Everyone got a rotation so every twenty minutes you would have a pair, Bakugo and Kirishima got put as a pair.

"Right if you see anything odd blow your whistle, this will inform us that something has happened" Aizawa ran over the rules to the boys

"Yes sensei" Ejirou thanked

"Ugh! I didn't even sign up for this shit" Bakugo sighed.

"Bro it will be ok just gotta wait out the twenty minutes" Ejirou smiled

'Oh i fucking love him' Katsuki blushed

"Right, time to watch" Ejirou laughed

"Are you fucking tanning already" Katsuki lifeguard chair had an umbrella attached.

"Yeah, runs in my family, my mum is Spanish so i have my Espanol blood" Katsuki smirked lightly.

"someone help! Help! There are kids over there and they are drowning" Ejirou immediately jumped down, grabbing the circle life float,  Katsuki following not far behind.

They blew their whistles and ran out into the ocean, there was a strong current and the kids looked distressed.

One of the kids wailed a name as Ejirou managed to grab him, Katsuki had to swim further away for the other one, they definitely went past the red flags.

Bakugo managed to grab one of the kids, the kid coughed water as he tried to say something

"Hanaki, Hanaki went under" Katsuki immediately gave the kid to Ejirou.

"One of them went under" the red head nodded and watched his class mate swim under.

Katsuki used his explosions to swim faster, he stopped, trying to look for the other kid, he immediately saw a small boy with red shorts, he was passed out just floating their.

"Kirishima where is Bakugo!" Aizawa shouted out of breathe.

"There was another one, Bakugo went to find them" Ejirou explained

"Did Bakugo tell you he cant swim" Ejirou stood there

"He cant what!" Ejirou shouted

"Why would you put him on post them" Ejirou shouted back, he immediately handed all might the children and went back into the sea.

Ejirou's family had a long line of professional swimmers, their whole family loved to swim, people would call them the shark family because of how much they loved swimming and their shark teeth.

"Kat!" Ejirou shouted looking everywhere.

He found the male struggling to use his explosions, a little while away.

"Kat, pass me the boy" he did as he was told.

"Here" Ejirou held out his hand and swam the both of them back to the shore

They boy was immediately given to all might to take to the paramedics.

"Why didn't you tell me you couldn't swim!" Ejirou was mad

"I could have lost you and that kid!" Katsuki looked down.

"Im sorry, i have to go" he pushed passed Ejirou, running off.

Katsuki ran into the hotel room slamming the door, he locked himself in the bathroom.

"Kat, come on im sorry, i was just worried" Ejirou knocked, he had obviously followed him.

"You're going to make fun of me" he muttered through the door

"No, im not, just let me in please" Katsuki gave in and unlocked the door.

Ejirou was met with Katsuki's tear stained face.

"Hey" he whispered, he hugged Katsuki immediately, rubbing circles on his back.

"So why didn't you tell me you couldn't swim" Katsuki immediately looked away

"Well... " the male hesitated "I thought you would laugh at me like everybody else" Ejirou smiled sympathetically

"I would never laugh or judge you" he cupped Katsuki's face.

"Ei" he whispered

"Yeah?" The blonde gulped

The male didn't even think and kissed the red head "Kat" he whispered, he immediately kissed him again.

"I have wanted to do that for so long" Katsuki smiled, his hands wrapped around Ejirou waist as he rested his head on the latter's chest.

"I love you" Ejirou smiled

"I love you too" they kissed again and again and again and again.

Ejirou was now showering his now boyfriend with kisses.

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