Who are those kids? 🍄🌷

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High School AU

Request by: @britteny_spears


The class 2A sat in their seats ready for a boring ass lesson about angles.

"Today class we will be looking at angles, complete the starters on the board" Aizawa stated sleepily.

Just as the class had finished a big flash appeared following a loud bang.

"Hanaki! Where are we Dad and Papa are gonna kill me" a blonde haired looking girl shouted.

"Papa!" The kid pointed to Bakugo at the back of the class room.

"Hanaki, where did you take us" the girls face went from mad to scared almost instantly when she saw the whole class looking at them.

"Excuse me" Aizawa cleared out his throat "who are you" he asked.

"Aizawa sensei is young?! What year is this?" She asked

"2031, why?" The girl soon realised what had happened.

"I believe my brother here has a time travel quirk and has took us back 20 years" The boy was giggling as he was watching Ejirou at the back of the class.

"Hanaki stay here" she scolded the boy that was trying to walk away.

"Ok, uh well we must keep you on school grounds until you can go back to 2051" the girl nodded.

"Class school is over early go back to the dorms" the whole class started to leave.

"PAPA!" The small boy ran after Bakugo

"The fuck!" The blonde tried to pry the kid off of his leg.

"Bakubro, its not good to swear in-front of kids" Kirishima butted in.

"Hanaki!" The girl ran up to her brother forcing him off Bakugo's leg.

"that's not papa" the younger boy went to object, but a red head started talking.

"Is this blonde your papa in the future" Kirishima noticed the similar features on each of the children.

"Yes" the girl answered for them.

"So does he have a lucky lady or man" The toddler lit up when he started to pay attention.

"Daddy! He loves Daddy!" The small boy ran into the red heads arms falling over.

"How does that work, men cant have children" the two kids looked at each other before shrugging to each other.

"I thought i told you to your dorms!" Aizawa shouted at the duo who where in the halls still.

"Sorry sensei" Kirishima immediately apologised and stood up ready to leave "come on Bakugo" the red held grabbed the blonde and rushed out of the school.

"Now you two come with me" Aizawa started to walk.

"Excuse me, can you carry him usually papa does he isn't good walking" Aizawa sighed but did it anyway.

Soon Aizawa managed to work out they were Kirishima and Bakugo's kids from the future, he thought it would be good practise for the students to look after the kids until they were able to go back home.

"Are you thinking what im thinking" Mina whispered to Sero and Denki, both males nodded.

The trio made their way to the kids, they all kneeled down and Mina explained to the kids what their plan was.

Both kids giggled mischievously, with them being Bakugo's kids they weren't going to back down from a challenge easily.

"Its our rotation to watch the kids" Kirishima knocked on the blonde's door, the male groaned as he opened the door to follow the red head down stairs.

"We are going to play marriage!" The little boy said, he grabbed loads of barbies (which were Eri's) and lined them up to be sitting facing the TV.

Sakura forced both men to stand opposite each-other holding hands.

"Now you must say I do to each other!" She giggled pretending to be the priest with a book in her hand.

"I do" Kirishima smiled

"I do" Bakugo really wanted this moment to be over.

"Now kiss!" Hanaki shouted

"WHAT!" Bakugo shouted

"Now!" Kirishima gave in and gave the blonde a light kiss on his cheek.

Bakugo was flushed pink, he didn't know how to react he just froze.

Just then a flash happened in the hallway, the two kids immediately ran to the figures.

"Papa!"  "Daddy!" They both shouted.

"My babies, im so glad you are ok" The male picked the boy up, showering him with kisses.

At this point there was a crowd in the sitting room watching the two pro heroes with their kids.

"Thats us..." Kirishima stated, he was amazed at how future him would look.

The future red head was in his hero suit, adjustments had been made obviously with growth. The males whole chest was exposed with two scares below his chest, another scar went across his chest and there were more smaller scars scattered on his torso.

Future Bakugo was so different, Bakugo had to double take, the male has shorter hair, it was still spiked up but it was shaved at the sides. The male's hero suit had a more grown up look to it, his chest was more exposed slightly and the gauntlets on his arms were gold instead of green, he also had hearing aids, which was something Katsuki dreaded but the male before him looked unbothered.

"Thank you so much for looking after our kids" Kirishima smiled and shook hands with his past self.

The younger noticed the silver band around one of his fingers 'we are married' he thought, smiling to himself.

"We should get going" Future Bakugo stated, the red head agreed and said their goodbyes and thank you's and with that they left.

Future Them:

Future Them:

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