Why did you disappear? 🌷

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Longer chapter: 2126 words

Future AU


"Has anyone got hold of Dynamight?" The officer asked, the hero's line went dead a while back.

The supporting heroes shook their heads "well we need to find him!" The heroes immediately went looking.

They searched for ages, the blonde was no where to be found, they were about to give up when one trainee pipped up.

"I-I found him, we need an ambulance" the boy look down back to the hero, Katsuki was sitting against a wall with a pole right through his left ribcage.

Soon the ambulance came and took him to the nearest hospital.

Luckly his injuries weren't fatal, he did need a skin graph and surgery, he had multiple broken ribs and a broken arm.

Not many people visited him, its not like his parents cared. The hero was discharged after two weeks, which was amazing, Katsuki was going to go home and clean up, some of his friends wanted to come visit him in the hospital, but he put them off, so instead he is going out for dinner.

The male hated being injured especially like this, his boss said they have to await further information on his injuries before they can grant him work.

Soon he heard numerous annoying knocks on the door "oh for fuck sake" he had barely been home.

"Kacchan!" Deku practically shouted, Ochaku trailing not far behind him.

Deku was here to pick him up because it wasn't like he could drive.

"Come in, i need to get changed" he went off to his bedroom to find a reasonable suit.

"Come on lets go!" Deku smiled at the male.

Katsuki had no option but to go along, this dinner everyone was saying its kind of like an early Class Reunion. The blonde never went to those, usually because of work.

"Bakugo!" Everyone was excited to see the hero well, the injuries he had weren't that serious, but if that pole was any higher it could have pierced his heart or even his lungs.

The blonde had to endure hundreds of hugs, everyone was there, a few people couldn't make it, such as Kirishima, Shinsou and Jirou.

Obviously a few people were upset that Kirishima couldn't come see his best friend. The red head had disappeared a couple years ago, the agency said they couldn't give any information about him, but Katsuki feels as though their one night stand didn't mean anything to the latter.

The blonde did learn to get over it, but his heart always ached for the man he did bond with.

Mid way through the dinner he got a phone call from his boss.

"Hello?" He asked.

"Hi Bakugo, i talked to your physiotherapist, they said based on your injuries it might take up to over a year before you can go back to hard core work" she stated

"I Immediately got on to the part time out if commission hero jobs, now you can either sit and do paper work which i doubt you would ever want to do, or your old home room teacher is looking to retire soon and would like some help with this years class 1A" the blonde kept listening.

"Now you have the choice between the both, but if you're thinking about the second one, please see me by Monday and i will inform mr eraser head" the blonde sighed

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