After all these years 🌷

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Future AU


Katsuki left Japan ten years ago to go to America for a internship, he has been missed dearly by all of his friends.

Today is a ten year Class 1A reunion and everyone was invited.

"Oh come on Kiri its not hard to find a suit" Ejirou stood looking at his suits, he decided to go for a Red velvet suit.

"I know, i have picked my red carpet suit from last year" Mina whistled through the phone.

"Right, come pick me up in twenty, love ya bye!" She laughed platonically.

"Bye!" He smiled

"Right Ejirou, lets get going" he spoke to himself as he started to get ready.

Soon the male pulled up to Mina's house.

"About time" she smiled, Jirou got in with her.

"Where might you pretty ladies be going today?" Ejirou asked

"Your mum's house" Jirou stated causing Mina to laugh.

Soon the trio arrived at the venue, it was very large.

After Midoriya and Ururaka got together the held the reunions every year, each year a hero would always have a new kid, which was adorable to watch.

"Kirishima!" Midoriya smiled hugging the male.

"We have a special guest you need to see!" Ururaka smiled.

The couple dragged Kirishima away from his friends.

"Right go in" the both pushed him towards a brown door.

Ejirou smiled awkwardly at the couple and went inside, the room was fancy the walls were cream, it also had a fire place in the middle of the room.

In front of the fire place stood a figure, a familiar figure.

"Kat?" The male turned around.

"Hi" he smiled at Kirishima

"Holy shit, its been ages" the male was exploding on the inside, but tried not to make it obvious.

"It has hasn't it" The blonde walked over, he held a glass of white wine in his hand.

"I love the hair, it suits you" Bakugo had a few scars on his face.

"You have let your hair grow" Bakugo ran his hand through Kirishima hair.

"Is that hair spray" he looked down, his hand was now stiky.

The red head laughed "idiot" the latter replied.

"So, how is work" Kirishima asked

"Its ok, I'm planning to start up my own company and wondered if you would like to join me" the red head took a step back

"Seriously?!" The blonde nodded

"I want to start a company with you, imagine it, two amazing pro heroes' partnership into making an amazing company, better than any fucker else!" Kirishima laughed

"You haven't changed a bit" he smiled

"What do you think?" The blonde asked

"Fine! Lets do it" the red head beamed.

They both walked out of the room "how come you wanted to meet me in a small room?" Kirishima asked

"Wanted to surprise you, besides i knew the other would be all over me because i fucked off" he nodded knowing Bakugo was correct.

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