Selfies 🌷

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High school AU


Bakugo and Kirishima have been going out together for almost four months now, and there is still something Bakugo cant stand. Its Ejirou and his selfies.

No matter where they go what they do Ejirou always has a selfie for the occasion, now that doesn't bother Katsuki that much. Its only kind of annoying when the male wants the perfect pose or the amazing lighting, but there is one thing Bakugo hates.

When Kirishima wants selfies with him.

Now you probably think, aw no thats cute, no! He wants perfect selfies perfect smiles, perfect clothes and it annoys Katsuki because he doesn't smile.

"Come on Kat its not that bad!" The red head male was shouting at his boyfriend who was walking away from him.

"I dont want to be in your stupid picture" Katsuki immediately set off an explosion in the males face, obviously him being used to it hardened his face in time.

"Not even one" Ejirou was attempting puppy dog eyes, which yes is adorable and caused the blonde male to blush. That would not cut it.

Katsuki kept walking, until he found one of his favourite shops.

It was called Fashion High, it was a family run clothing shop, so the only location was in the Sunset mall right outside UA.

The clothes varied from dark edgy emo all the way to E-girl pink.

Katsuki obviously was looking at the dark edgy emo section.

"Hey babe! Why don't we do like a clothing haul?" Bakugo made eye contact with his boyfriend before showing a smirk, he will make sure to make his boyfriend so flustered he will have to kiss him.

Yes, its true, Ejirou and Katsuki have been dating for four months and no kiss yet. Ejirou is too scared his teeth will hurt his boyfriend.

"Oh my god! Yas! Slay!" Katsuki came out the changing room doing a little cat walk, Ejirou loved it.

The blonde male stood infront of his boyfriend, he wore a black turtle neck, it was tucked into some green trousers, with a black belt. On top of the shirt he wore a navy blue jacket and on his face sat some cute glasses

 On top of the shirt he wore a navy blue jacket and on his face sat some cute glasses

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"That looks amazing!" Ejirou was taking pictures on his phone.

"Now next one!" Ejirou giggled as he was stunned at how amazing his boyfriend looked.

Katsuki then came out and the same thing happened Ejirou was amazed and took pictures, but this time it was different.

The male walked out of the changing room.

The male wore a red and black biker jacket, the tank top underneath moulded to his abs. His jeans were tight and really shaped his legs, there were slight slits in the jeans where his thighs slightly came out.

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