Their bond 🌷

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Pro hero AU


Kirishima and Bakugou had always been a dynamic duo, even before they became pro heroes. They had trained together, fought together, and had each other's backs through thick and thin. But as pro heroes, their partnership had become even stronger.

It had been almost a decade since they graduated from UA High, and now they were both successful pro heroes in their own right. Kirishima had become known as "Red Riot", with his rock-hard quirk and unwavering dedication to protecting people.

Bakugou had become "Dynamite", with his explosive quirk and no-nonsense attitude towards villains.

Despite their different hero personas, they still worked together frequently, taking down villains and saving lives. But there was something more to their partnership that had developed over the years - something that they both tried to ignore.

It wasn't until they were on a mission together to take down a group of powerful villains that they realized they couldn't ignore their feelings any longer. As they fought side by side, taking down villain after villain, they couldn't help but steal glances at each other, their hearts racing with adrenaline and something more.

After the mission was over, they found themselves alone in a quiet alleyway, catching their breath and trying to process what had just happened. Kirishima was the first to break the silence.

"Bakugo...I know we've never really talked about this, but...I have feelings for you. More than just as a partner."

Bakugou looked at him, wide-eyed and surprised, but also with a hint of something else. " do?"

Kirishima nodded, feeling his heart pounding in his chest. "Yeah. And I know we're both pro heroes, and we have a lot of responsibilities, but...I just had to tell you."

Bakugou didn't say anything for a moment, but then he stepped closer to Kirishima, his expression softening. "I...I have feelings for you too. I've been trying to ignore them, but...I can't anymore."

And with that, they both leaned in and kissed each other, their lips meeting in a fiery passion that they had both been holding back for far too long.

From that moment on, they were no longer just partners. They were lovers, with a bond that was even stronger than before. They continued to work together as pro heroes, but now they also had each other to come home to at the end of the day, to share their victories and struggles with, and to love unconditionally.

As their relationship blossomed, they found themselves becoming even stronger as a team, both in and out of costume. They trained together even harder, pushing each other to be the best that they could be. And when they went on missions together, they worked even more seamlessly, anticipating each other's moves and always having each other's backs.

But they also found joy in the little moments outside of hero work. They would cuddle up on the couch and binge-watch their favorite shows, or cook dinner together in the evenings. Sometimes they would even sneak away on romantic getaways, exploring new parts of the world and making memories that they would cherish forever.

Their love for each other was fierce and unyielding, and it showed in everything they did. They were the epitome of a power couple, with their love only fueling their desire to be the best pro heroes they could be.

Years passed, and they continued to thrive as both individuals and as a couple. They faced challenges and hardships, but they always faced them together, with their love giving them the strength to overcome any obstacle.

And in the end, they knew that their love was what made them truly unstoppable - a force to be reckoned with, both as pro heroes and as partners in life.

And in the end, they knew that their love was what made them truly unstoppable - a force to be reckoned with, both as pro heroes and as partners in life

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