Secret admirer 🍄

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Future AU


Katsuki bakugo become a pro hero three years ago along with his class mates of 1A.

But recently something had been bothering the blonde.

His secret admirer.

Since Bakugo's birthday he had been getting love notes shoved in his locker and it really ticked him off.

"For fuck sake! Again" Katsuki slammed the note down on the table, causing Ejirou to flinch.

"Why cant they just confess its not that fucking hard" Katsuki sat down next to his best friend.

"Maybe they want to mess you around" Katsuki death glared Ejirou.

"Well they gonna have to think twice before fucking with me, i will find them and crush them into tiny! Little! Pieces!" Bakugo clenched his fist.

"Oh calm down Bakubro it's probably one of the ladies" Kirishima pointed at some of the ladies laughing.

"Well they better start fucking running" Katsuki was annoyed why cant this bastard just tell him.

As the weeks went on Katsuki started to use his brain and realise in every note was a clue.

One of the first notes he had stated that they had a good time at his birthday party, so that limits it down to everyone who was at the party.

Tape head (Sero)
Acid face (Mina)
Shitty hair (Kirishima)
Dunce face (Karminari)
Insomniac (Shinsou)
Ugly deku (Deku)
Icy hoy (Todoroki)
Pink cheeks (Uraraka)
Emo (Jirou)
Frog (Tsuyu)

Bakugo looked at his list "it cant be ugly Deku he is to in love with Icy hot, emo and Acid face are dating, Dunce face is head over heels with insomniac and Frog and pink cheeks are flirting daily so that leaves 2 people" Bakugo was confused.

Tape head (Sero)
Shitty hair (Kirishima)

"How is that possible, Tape head and shitty hair" Bakugo whispered to himself.

"There must have been more people" Bakugo held his pen in his hand.

The next day Katsuki tried to remember who was at his party or maybe someone was cheating, but that was less likely.

It was a new day and a new letter.

Dear Bakugo

I plan to confess soon i have just had stuff on my mind, i hope we don't lose our friend ship.

Secret admirer <33.

"Our friend ship?" Bakugo remembered his list yesterday, recently he did become close with acid face, but wasn't she getting married or something.

That took Katsuki back to his list, he write down everyone he was "friends" with.


"Does Deku count as a "friends" Bakugo scribbled the name out, he hadn't seen Deku in months.

So now that leaves four people. Maybe more clues would determine the person.

The next day he got a new clue.

Dear Bakugo

I have decided to start writing clues so maybe you guessing first wont be so bad??

Anyway i was originally born male.

Secret admirer <33

"Born male, that crosses off Mina and Denki" Bakugo quickly apologised to Denki in his head


He has been brought back to the same people as before.

"Same people, this doesn't make sense, im pretty sure Sero is straight?" Bakugo was so confused at this point.

Hopefully the next clue would determine who it was.

The next day was again another clue.

Dear Bakugo

I know you haven't seen me in a while and i miss you so much.

Oh my clue haha silly me, my hair is naturally black.

Secret admirer <33

"For fuck sake!" Bakugo fist slammed on the table.

"Bakugo whats wrong?" Mina asked from the other end of the room.

Bakugo explained everything to Mina, Mina began to understand.

"I think its Kirishima" Bakugo looked up.

"Think about it, you're not really close with Sero, one of the clues said "i don't want to lose our friendship over this" and the person said he hasn't seen you in a while Kirishima has been on an intense mission for the past few days meaning you haven't seen him" Mina took a breath and then continued.

"Kirishima was at your birthday party and his natural hair colour is black, besides Sero moved up north like last week" Bakugo looked suprised

"I cant believe I'm going to say this, but...thank you" Bakugo smirked for the first time ever.

"Do you even like him?" Bakugo blushed.

"Of course i like that fucking idiot or else my reaction would have been different" Mina smiled.

"Bakugo go get your man!" Mina shouted, causing the other people in the office to look.

"How?" Mina smiled, this was the time to make her ship sail.

"You know where he lives?" Mina asked

"Of course" Bakugo stated proudly

"Here is the plan" Mina couldn't stop smiling.

Bakugo stood outside Kirishima's apartment for ten minutes before he had the balls to knock.

"What if it isn't him" Bakugo began to doubt, he quickly put the flowers behind his back.

"Bakubro?" Katsuki gulped

"I guessed who my secret admirer was" he smiled, showing Ejirou the flowers

"Me" Ejirou chuckled before accepting the flowers.

Before Katsuki could even say anymore, their lips met.

Katsuki's hands rested on Ejirou's hips as he went into the apartment, before laying Ejirou beneath him on the couch.

"Im sorry i didn't just man up and tell you" Ejirou looked away in embarrassment.

"I don't care, i just want you" The couples kissing continued into the night.

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