To the beach! 🍄🌷

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School AU


Today was one of the last days of high school, the class 1A were enjoying their last couple days of school.

On the third last day the teachers thought it would be appropriate to go on a school trip to the beach!

"Right! Kids sit down and get your seat belts on!" Aizawa shouted.

All might sat at the front and across the isle sat present mic and Aizawa.

Aizawa walked down the bus isle checking everyone seat belts.

"If your seat belt doesn't work move seat! This is a big coach" Katsuki stood up and walked to the back due to his belt not working.

Ejirou stood up too and followed him sitting next to him.

"Bro dont leave me alone" Katsuki looked away looking out the window.

"Shut it shitty hair" Katsuki put on his headphones and drowned into the music work.

[He listening to: Ordinary Life- Living tombstone]

Ejirou just smirked due to him being used to this by now, and started playing on his phone.

The coach ride was almost two hours but they were currently half way through their journey and stopped off at a service station due to the student and teachers being hungry.

As the bus driver got out for a smoke, the teacher led the students into the service station and took them to the McDonald.

"Everyone we have twenty minutes, so eat go to the bath room and meet back at the coach for twelve thirty" All might announced.

Deku, Todoroki and lida rushed to the bathroom.

Soon the others all finished their food. "Shitty hair" Ejirou turned round "go to the toilet, i know what you're like" Ejirou smiled sheepishly, rushing off to the toilets.

Everyone was now back on the bus, Aizawa did a head count making sure everyone was there.

Soon they all arrived at the beach.

Each friend group went off, of course the couples were cuddling on their towels under the umbrella, sharing an ice cream. Yep, Denki and Shinsou.

"Bakubro! come in the water" Ejirou shouted, he was playing with Mina, Sero and Jirou.

"No! I will get fucking wet" Katsuki hissed.

"Thats what she said!" Sero shouted back, causing both females to laugh.

Katsuki just shook his head and went back looking at his phone.

"Seriously Bakubro come have fun" Ejirou had come up to the blonde male.
"We can play your favourite" Ejirou grabbed the volley ball on this ground.

"Fine" Katsuki Stood up and walked over to the court on the sand.

The team:

Kirishima Bakugo Sero

Mina Denki


Shinsou Todoroki

Lida Midoriya Ururaka

"Oh its on Icy hot!" Katsuki Shouted before throwing the ball in the air.

The teams played for about an hour they were on a tie, who ever wins this round wins and losers pay for ice cream.

"We can do this guys" Karminari gave his shitty pep talk.

Soon the ball was going back and forth the hitting was between Katsuki and shoto.

Katsuki managed to hit the ball and it smashed onto the sand, the other team looked sad.

The blonde threw insults at the losing team before recieving a high fives from his team mates.

"Lets go!" Karminari shouted, Sero joining in with the cringe fest.

"Lets put our shoes back on" Mina said rushing to the side.

Katsuki didnt notice she had kneeled down so quickly, he tripped over her legs before falling onto the male behind her.

The males face was centimetres away from the red heads face, they almost kissed.

"I- uh- shit" Katsuki face turned the same colour as Ejirou's hair, he immediately grabbed his shoes and ran away.

Knowing Ejirou of course he followed.

Soon the red head caught up with the male, he was sat on a small bay, his legs dangled over the edge.

"You're so stupid you idiot" Katsuki was scolding himself.

"Bakubro?" Ejirou walked over and sat next to the smaller male.

"Wait, are you crying?" Kirishima immediately hugged his friend

"No! Get off me" Katsuki shoved the younger male off of him.

"Wait why?" Ejirou moved away looking the other in the eye.

"Because you probably think I'm a pussy" Bakugo looked away.

"Bro, i dont think that" Kirishima moved closer to his friend.

Their eyes locked "Kat, do you like me?" Ejirou asked.

Katsuki face went bright red again, he looked the other in the eye, before quickly closing the gap as their lips connected.

"I love you Kat" Ejirou smiled pushing the blond under him as he got on top.

They soon had a heated make out session on dock.

They soon had a heated make out session on dock

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