Comfort in the Past 🌷

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Future AU


Kirishima was exhausted. The hero training had been intense, and he had pushed himself to his limits. But now that it was over, he was left feeling drained and overwhelmed. He knew that he was on the verge of a panic attack, and he could feel the tightness in his chest.

Bakugo could tell that something was wrong with his friend. He had seen Kirishima like this before, and he knew that he needed to act fast. "Hey, Eijiro," he said, placing a hand on his friend's shoulder. "You okay?"

Kirishima shook his head, unable to find the words to express what he was feeling. Bakugo didn't need him to, though. He could see the anxiety written all over Kirishima's face.

"Come on," he said, standing up and pulling Kirishima with him. "Let's get out of here."

They walked in silence for a while, Bakugo leading the way. He knew where he was taking them, but he didn't say anything. He wanted to give Kirishima some time to calm down before they got there.

Eventually, they arrived at Bakugo's apartment. He unlocked the door and led Kirishima inside, closing the door behind them.

"Sit down," he said, gesturing to the couch. Kirishima did as he was told, sinking into the cushions with a heavy sigh.

Bakugo disappeared into his bedroom for a moment, and when he returned, he had a stack of DVDs in his hand. He didn't say anything as he popped one into the player and hit play.

It was an old Crimson Riot performance, one that Kirishima had seen a hundred times before. But somehow, watching it now felt different. The familiar sight of his hero, the pounding of the music, the screams of the crowd – it was all so comforting.

"You okay?" Bakugo asked, settling down next to Kirishima on the couch.

Kirishima nodded, not trusting himself to speak. He was still feeling shaky, but the panic was easing up a bit.

They watched the DVD in silence for a while, Bakugo occasionally commenting on something that happened on screen. It was strange, Kirishima thought, how he could feel so comfortable and safe with Bakugo, even when he was feeling so vulnerable.

Eventually, the DVD ended, and Bakugo stood up. "You want something to drink?" he asked.

Kirishima nodded, grateful for the distraction. He watched as Bakugo disappeared into the kitchen, and when he returned, he had two cans of soda in his hand.

They sat in silence for a while, sipping their drinks and watching the TV. Kirishima was feeling better now, the panic attack slowly fading away.

"Thanks," he said, breaking the silence.

Bakugo looked at him, his expression softening. "For what?"

"For being here," Kirishima said. "For...for understanding."

Bakugo nodded, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "Of course," he said. "That's what friends are for."

They sat in silence for a while longer, the TV providing a comforting background noise. Kirishima was feeling more like himself now, the anxiety and panic fading away.

"Hey," Bakugo said suddenly, breaking the silence. "You know, I've been thinking..."

Kirishima looked at him, curious. "About what?"

"About Crimson Riot," Bakugo said. "And how he always talked about never giving up, no matter how tough things get. That's something you've always embodied, Eijiro. You're one of the strongest people I know."

Kirishima felt a warmth spread through his chest at Bakugo's words. He knew that Bakugo wasn't one for compliments or sentimental speeches, so this meant a lot to him.

"Thanks, Katsuki," he said, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

Bakugo nodded, his expression serious. "But you don't have to be strong all the time, Eijiro. It's okay to feel overwhelmed or anxious. It doesn't make you weak."

Kirishima felt a lump form in his throat at Bakugo's words. He knew that he had a tendency to push himself too hard, to try to be a hero all the time. But maybe it was okay to take a step back, to admit when he was struggling.

"Thanks," he said again, his voice barely above a whisper.

Bakugo didn't say anything more, but he didn't need to. Kirishima could feel the support and understanding radiating off of him, and it was enough.

They finished their drinks and eventually Kirishima made his way back to his apartment, the night air cool and refreshing after the warmth of Bakugo's apartment.

As they parted ways, Bakugo gave Kirishima a small smile. "Take care of yourself, Eijiro," he said.

Kirishima nodded, feeling a sense of gratitude and comfort that he knew would stay with him for a long time. He knew that he had an amazing friend in Bakugo, someone who would always be there for him, no matter what.

And for that, he was incredibly grateful.

And for that, he was incredibly grateful

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