Hiking 🌷

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Future AU


"Right, get up" Katsuki clapped his hands to wake up his husband.

"Kat" he whined "5 more minutes".

"No get up you lump" The blonde pulled at his husband.

Ejirou grabbed Katsuki and pulled him down into a hug.

"Ei! Seriously come on its almost 12" he groaned

"Fine" he sighed, letting his spouse free and getting up.

"Now get changed hottie" he winked before exiting, Ejirou looked down at his nude body and chuckled.

Katsuki just finished packing the sandwiches before putting them in the two rucksacks.

"Baby~ Baby~ Baby~ ooOoH!" The blonde sighed and shook his head.

"Get your shoes on you big baby" Ejirou laughed as he ran to get his shoes.

Soon enough they were in the car and on the way to their destination. 

"How much longer" Ejirou whined

"If you shut up we will get there faster" he spoke, not taking his eyes off the road.

Ejirou sighed and decided to listen to music instead.

"Oi wake up" Katsuki raised his voice.

"We are here" Ejirou opened his eyes and looked around, they were in a car park.

"If we go now we can make it there for noon and maybe even for the sunset" Ejirou smiled and got out of the car.

Both males grabbed their backpacks and started their hike.

"Dont we need a map?" Ei asked

"I know this place like the back of my hand" he responded

"Hey Kat" the male hummed a response

"How come you hike at this place and not others ones, wouldn't you want to explore more than do the same one?" Katsuki smirked

"This hiking place is special to me" they both stopped.

"My mother used to take me here when i was younger, we did this almost every year, i have pictures of me in this very spot getting older" Ejirou imaged tiny Katsuki.

"One day i would like to take our kids here" Ejirou's eyes started to get wet.

"Our kids?" He smiled

"Yeah, only if you want some?" The red head jumped into his husband's arms

"Of course, i would love to have kids with you" they both kissed.

"Come on, we still have a little bit to go" the male grabbed his hisband's hand a led him up the rest of the mountain.
After lots of climbing they finally arrived.

"We made it" Ejirou stretched out his arms.

"Yeah we did" Katsuki smiled.

"I used to come here all the time, when i needed crap put into perspective"

"I wanted to share it with you" Katsuki smiled, looking over to his husband.

They both sat down on a log and started to eat their sandwiches.

"Tuna!" Katsuki laughed, oh how he loved Ejirou.

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