Back to Japan 🌷🥀

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Future Au


Katsuki Bakugo left Japan 7 years ago for a job offer in America, so far he has been striving, he now is classed 2nd most hottest Hero in the world by fans and news articles.

This year, the man himself was coming back to Japan, this news spread so fast, no one had time to prepare.

Katsuki's parents were picking him up from the air port.

"Katsuki" the blonde immediately knew his mother's voice.

Since Katsuki got older the bond between his mother and him has grown a lot, they would call once a week to check up on him.

Soon they drove back home and Katsuki was in his old apartment, he hadn't been here for 7 years.

When Katsuki made his way inside, it was dark so he put the light on obviously.

There were banners hung up along each wall, obviously done by his parents, when he made his way to the kitchen there were letters and treats.

He opened up the letter one by one, the first few were from ugly deku and icy hot then dunce face and insomnia.

There were letters from all his friends except one, his best friend, Kirishima?

The male questioned why his best friend wouldn't have welcomed him back, when he went away on a school trip for a week and came back Kirishima cried in his arms because he missed him.

Katsuki was too jet lagged to worry about that at this moment, he would ask the red head tomorrow.

So the male did that, he immediately went to sleep.

Of course Katsuki was aware what had been going on in the red heads life, he was his best friend of course he wanted to know.

Ejirou Kirishima came out as Gay to his fans 3 years ago, he said he struggled with his sexuality growing up because he knew the consequences.

His whole family disowned him, the paparazzi got all up in his face, wanting to know why, News articles started to sexualise him, the red head was getting attacked in the streets. Of course he was scared anyone would be.

Thats one of the reasons Katsuki came back home, he had a crush on Ejirou since highschool, still does and when someone you love and care about is getting attacked and is scared, you gotta help them.

The next day Katsuki woke up, the sun beamed through his window pissing him off so much he just got up, made himself some food and got changed.

He was going to see Ejirou today, it was the weekend, so he wouldn't be working, Ejirou had this thing that Weekends were his breaks and that when he starts a family the weekends would always be free for family time.

Katsuki got to the male's apartment, the elevator was out of order, so he had to climb 5 flights of stairs, not fun.

Luckily Ejirou hadn't moved apartment from the last time he talked to him.

Once Katsuki was there, he took a minuet to get his shit together and knocked on the door.

"Hello?" the red heads face lit up

"Katsuki!" He jumped into a hug with the blonde.

"Its so good to see you?! I knew you were coming back, sorry for not seeing you sooner" the red head smiled sheepishly.

"Its alright" Katsuki went to go inside the male's apartment.

"Oh uh maybe not its messy" Katsuki rolled his eyes.

"It cant be that bad" Ejirou face dropped, but the blonde pushed in anyway.

"Holy shit-" Katsuki couldn't believe it, the clean organised man he once knew was thrown out the window, his apartment looked like it had taken a dirty bomb to it.

"What the fuck happened to you" The red head looked like he was about to cry.

"Sorry, i d-did warn you" Katsuki just hugged the now crying male.

"Hey its ok, would you like help to clean up" Ejirou shook his head.

"You only just got back thats not fair" Katsuki just laughed.

"You have been dealing with alot of shit, this is the least i can do" Ejirou just smiled slightly.

"Here" Katsuki ran throught to the kitchen grabbing some bin bags, taking note of the lack of food in the mean time.

"This is the shit bag, any rubbish put in here" Katsuki put the bag on the floor and started to clean.

Over three hours later-

Both men fell onto the sofa, Ejirou thanked Katsuki about four hundred times.

"Im fucking starving, lets go out for lunch" Ejirou didnt really seem excited at the idea.

"Come on it will be like old time sake?" Katsuki smirked.

"Yeah, before everyone knew i was gay" Ejirou looked down.

"Dont say that" Katsuki lightly hit hid arm.

"You're only here because you feel sorry for me" Ejirou looked back up.

"Im not actually, i wanted to see if you were ok and another reason" Ejirou was mow intrigued

"What other reason?" Katsuki let out a sigh

"Ejirou" Katsuki placed a hand on the red heads cheek.

"I like you, a lot" Ejirou turned to a statue.

"Really?" Katsuki nodded, before closing the gap between them.

Their lips connected, they moved along each other, Katsuki's was allowed entrance to the smaller males mouth. His tongue explored the males mouth, but stupid humans need air.

"Come on, lets go out" Katsuki stood up offering his hand.

"Is this a date?" Ejirou asked

"Yeah" The red head smiled taking the latter's hand.

The couple got to a café, it was the first café they visited together as best friends in high school.

"You know what happened to you was shit" Kasuki piped up "i mean when you came out" Ejirou nodded

"I was in therapy for a while because of it" Katsuki looked up.

"You never told me that?!" Ejirou looked away.

"I didn't want to worry you, or anyone for that matter" Ejirou felt tears build up again.

"Ei, you know i will be always be here" Katsuki grabbed Ejirou's hand.

"Please don't feel like I'm busy, i will always make time for you" Katsuki
Intwined his fingers with Ejirou's before kissing the back of the red heads hand.

"Kat" Ejirou smiled weakly, before doing the same thing.

"I will always make time for you" Katsuki smiled.

"I will always make time for you" Katsuki smiled

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