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Once all of you finally arrived at the mall, Jeongyeon offered a game before entering inside.

" How about a game ? who lose will pay the gifts that we buy for Jihyo and the other one will be on the snacks ?  " Jeongyeon asked all of you.

" That's good though " Mina said at her agreeing. All of them agreed since it a very good suggestion specially to your broke friends.

" anyways What game ? " Sana asked Jeongyeon. Jeongyeon look at her before laughing.

" Just a basic rock, paper, scissors " She answered earning a whined from your friends and start the game.

Even first try it was very intense since none of you don't want to let your cards empty once they're done buying around.

But in the end, You and Mina ended up losing in the game and they keep teasing the both of you.

" Wait, I think I left something on my house " You reason out trying to escape from them.

And you ended up getting drag inside the mall with your friends laughing at you.

" Everyone Buy what you want it's a treat after all! " Jeongyeon shouted as your friends walk towards their own destination to pick the gifts that they will buy on the same place.

Mina look at you before shaking her head with a smile.

" I'll walk around " Mina said and you nod at her before walking to the section where you can buy some gifts that you wanted to give for your friend Jihyo.

Hours of choosing, some of your friends are already done and waiting for you to come with them in the cashier area.

You finally picked a perfect gift for your friend and when you're about to approach the others you saw Hyewon on the Jewelry Section alone.

Because of curiosity you take a glance at the others before deciding to approach Hyewon, you saw her holding a silver bracelet and gave it to the lady.

when Hyewon was about to gave the lady her own credit card, you already gave yours and Hyewon look at you with shocked and confusion.

" Use this " You said to the lady.

Hyewon just look at you before deciding not to talk.

Both of you aren't really that close to each other, but you talk and hangout together sometimes.

When the lady is done she gave you back your credit card before giving the box to Hyewon where the bracelet is.

" thankyou "

" That's your gift for Jihyo ? " You asked her, Hyewon look at you and shake her head.

" Nope, I already buy something for her, This is for a friend " She answered, you look at her in confusion and just nod afterwards.

" I think the others are waiting for your card we should go back " Hyewon suggested, you look at her and nod again as the both of you head towards the others together.

As soon as you were able to see what they buyed, your jaw almost dropped at how many are their carrying in each of their 2 hands.

You put the gift you buyed for Jihyo beside the things that they buy.

Giving your credit card to the lady as she continued to scan the prices with the endless beeping sound of the monitor which never stopped.

You saw how long the receipt is and it was way more longer than your one arm.

" Aren't you guys to greedy ? " You asked them and they just laugh at you.

" It's free " Wonyoung said at you while chuckling.

" This doesn't even look like a gift for Jihyo, Don't tell me you also by for yourselves ? "

As soon as they gave you that awkward smile.

You already know what does it means.

" I won't agreed with this again " You mumbled and they heard it.

All of you waited patiently for the lady to finish all of it. Hyewon saw the receipt beside her so she grab it and gave it to you.

And this time your jaw finally drop the price is higher than you expected.

The others saw your reaction so they take a peak at the total of the receipt.

They quickly move away from you before grabbing all of the things that you payed as they leave you inside.

You were in a daze trying to process everything.

" 701,422.70 won " You said mumbling the total price.

When everything sink in to you, the lady gave you back your credit card while laughing because even her find you and your friends funny.

You thank the lady before leaving the store seeing no sign of them around.

You decided to walk towards the parking area where Jeongyeon's Van is and there you saw them already putting all of it at the back of Jeongyeon's van.

You approach them and gave each other a slap on their heads earning a groan from them.

" All of you owe me a lot " You said to them and they gave you an awkward chuckle.

" You're talking too much let's just buy some food for tomorrow " Nayeon said, putting her left arm on your shoulder but since you're much taller than her she thought it was a bad idea since she's having a hard time to reach you.

You look at them and just pout before deciding to enter back inside the mall to grab some snacks which Mina will pay this time.

Actually you weren't mad about it.

It's just, it's your first time to have a receipt that's longer than your arm and the total is longer than Dahyun's height.

You don't mind spending your money, as long as it's for your friends and when it's needed


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