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After arriving at the mall where you and your friends went last night, you can see them already outside the mall.

Approaching the place where they are standing you can see that Yena is hiding beside Yujin and Wonyoung who's one of the tallest at all of you including you.

" Where is my skateboard ? " You asked them, Sana approach you while handling your skateboard that are already broken into two pieces.

" Yenaaaaaa " You whined while staring at your broken skateboard. Yena tried to hide behind Yujin and Wonyoung only to end up getting push by the both of them infront.

Seeing some small stain on Yena's shirt you can already tell that something really happened earlier.

" Im sorry, I was just playing it around and when I decided to do a trick it broke, I'll just buy you a new one " Yena explained to you, letting out a deep sigh while the others just stayed quiet and watch the both of you.

You look at Yena before giving her your broken skateboard.

" It's fine forget it, You don't need to buy me one I can buy my own and please don't show me that skateboard again " You said at her very disappointed.

All of them knows that the skateboards that you have, hides a thousand memories.

when it comes to your skateboard you're very sensitive about it, you let them borrow your skateboard since you trust them, but seeing that one of them are broken already makes you mad.

The skateboard that Yena just broke was from your Grandmother.

Yena just felt more bad at your words, she knows she did wrong and she blame herself for it thinking that she shouldn't have used it.

" Im going now " You said coldly before leaving them alone infront of the mall without taking a glance for the last time.

Entering the cab that you saw, you decided to message Chaewon and tell her that you're on your way.

Just by reading Chaewon's reply, you hold your laugh trying not to laugh inside a cab so the driver won't think that something is wrong at you

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Just by reading Chaewon's reply, you hold your laugh trying not to laugh inside a cab so the driver won't think that something is wrong at you.

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Putting your phone back on your pocket the cab already stopped means you finally arrived at the place where Chaewon is

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Putting your phone back on your pocket the cab already stopped means you finally arrived at the place where Chaewon is.

Just like what she said you talk to the driver to drive a little fast because it's for urgent, you don't want to be late and make her wait just like what your friend did.

" That's fast " Chaewon said as soon as she saw you entering the coffee shop where she is.

seeing her inside you decided to just wait her outside the shop since you can tell that she's going to leave anyways.

" Let's Go " She said, you nod at her before following her from behind.

Chaewon can't believe that her girlfriend did it again and this time she can't let this one slip away when she already had a chance.

Noticing how serious she is, you decided to tease her.

" Not even a hi ? " You asked her while the both of you continued walking.

Receiving no answer you pout deciding to just stayed quiet till both of you arrived at the said Library that's open everyday.

Taking a sit at the table a little near to the door, Both of you waited patiently hoping that you and Chaewon aren't to late and didn't missed her girlfriend.

While Chaewon is too occupied to look around, you called a Waiter and decided to order a drink for yourself.

And not even a 5 minutes it finally arrived.

" how are you so sure that this is the Library that she's talking about ? " You asked her taking a sip on your drink, and put it on the table beside you.

Noticing the drink beside you, Chaewon grabbed it without thinking twice, she felt thirsty just by thinking where is her girlfriend.

Looking at her in disbelief before you could even try to stop her she already put the straw between her lips.

A sigh escaped on your lips deciding to just let her have your drink even though you're the one who payed for it.

" Have you watch the movie Sherlock Holmes ? it's popular this days " Chaewon asked you randomly while putting her tinted glasses.

Looking at her in amusement, you just can't believe that this girl infront of you is really serious to not get caught by girlfriend.

It was like you and Chaewon are really an agents.

Getting excited at her reaction, you can't deny that you really like solving puzzles, mystery and crimes.

" I watch it already, Have you tried cracking some code ? " You asked her just to know if she already have experience about things like that because you, you done it many times already.

Getting annoyed at your questions Chaewon look at you and shake her head, she don't know why are you asking her some dumb questions.

" I haven't but Im going to crack your bones if you won't stop asking dumb questions "


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