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The Evaluation ended quickly than you thought.

You, Yujin and Wonyoung didn't expect that everyone will do very well.

Yujin and Wonyoung always clapped their hands being glad and happy for them.

" The result will be place on the school's notice board tomorrow morning, have a good lunch " You announced as they all smiled and thank the 3 of you and start to leave the room one by one.

While waiting for all of them to leave you saw Chaewon alone outside the room like she's waiting for someone.

Deciding to leave the room too not forgetting to close all the switches, Chaewon approach the 3 of you.

Making you, Yujin and Wonyoung confused though Yujin and Wonyoung is starting to die from what's happening right now, they just can't really wait to tell it to the others.

" Can we talk ? " Chaewon asked while looking at you.

You look at her in confusion as you point your finger to yourself making sure if you heard it right even though you did.

Chaewon nod at you and you did the same, but taking a glance at your 2 friends Chaewon cleared her throat since what she's going to say is a little private.

" Alone " She continued, Yujin and Wonyoung look at each other they wanted to listen what is it about but they agreed since they thought lovers needs some privacy.

" Yeah sure, We'll go ahead then " Yujin said before pulling Wonyoung beside her.

" We'll wait you in the cafeteria! " Wonyoung shouted as they run towards the hallway quickly to tell the others what's happening.

Looking back at Chaewon who's standing infront of you while her head is looking around making sure no one will heard it when it's clear she look at you.

" about the talk last night " Chaewon started and you hummed remembering what is it.

" what about it ? " You asked her.

" I don't think I can say it " She answered as you shoulders automatically dropped expecting that she will tell it to you this time.

" Yet " She continued earning a quiet sigh from you.

You smile at her and nod.

" It's fine, im in no rush " You said but that was a lie, you completely wanted to know it that you just wanted to force her to tell what is it.

Your curiosity is killing you about what she's going to tell. You even think lots of possibilities like what it would be but none of them are accurate on what she's acting now.

Hearing what you said Chaewon sighed in relief she thought that you're going to force her to spill it and she's glad you understand her.

" But I'll tell you once I've made up my mind already " Chaewon said with a smile making sure that she'll be able to tell it to you once she's ready.

You nodded your head at her.

" uhm can you wait ? " Chaewon asked you.

Thinking what does question supposed to mean you thought that maybe the thing that she's going to tell you once she's ready is very important. Because if it's just random things then why would she think that long for her to tell it to you.

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