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3 days already passed after that incident in the cafeteria.

You didn't showed up yourself in the school and didn't joined the classes, you've been ignoring your friends messages but you've been ignored by Chaewon.

You tried messaging and calling her but still no response not knowing she blocked you.

And now you're on your way to talk at her and explain everything that Hyewon told her.

Ofcourse after hearing that story of yours anyone who heard it would probably start to ignore and get scared of you.

Having enough of being ignored for 3 days and being on her Blocklist you decided to confront her today.

You don't know if this is some kind of prank but you're sure it's not.

Hyewon already told herself that she said that to Chaewon, and it's annoying you how Chaewon won't bother to talk to you about it.

There are times you would try to reach her out but Chaewon would just shut you off.

You really can't accept how Chaewon ignored you even you tried all your best.

Deciding to walk towards your classroom you saw some of your classmates inside. Peeking inside the room, some of them noticed you as they called your name.

" Verna you're back " You heard one of them shouted, you look at that person and just nod.

You're really not close with the students on your classroom, it's Yujin, Wonyoung and Chaewon who you always talk with.

Seeing no signs of Chaewon inside the room.

You walk away from the classroom and stop walking for a second, thinking where is Chaewon could possibly be.

You already checked all the possible places around the school where Chaewon could be but still you didn't saw any trace of her.

Deciding to walk upstairs, the girl you've been looking for is already standing infront of you.

" Chaewon " You called her name, Chaewon look at you but still you we're ignored, and just walk pass you again.

Chaewon didn't expect you to be here at the school as far as she know you've been ghosting them for 3 days.

Note that she's still thinking about what Hyewon told her. But somehow she's glad that you finally showed yourself.

A sigh escaped on your lips there's no way you would let this day end without being able to talk at her and explain everything.

" Chaewon! "

" Kim Chaewon! "

" Talk to me!! "

" Im giving you 5 seconds to look at me "

" one "

" two "

" three "

" four "

" four and a half "

" Yah! Kim Chaewon! "

You keep shouting while following her, yet still nothing changed.

Chaewon just continued walking as if she's not hearing anything coming from you even though some students are now looking at you and her direction.

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