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Hours already passed after you ate lunch together.

You decided to play around and now you and Chaewon have been playing baseball for a 1 and a half hour already.

Chaewon can't even feel her arm anymore, she've been holding the bat swinging it to hit the ball, sometimes she miss and sometimes she strike.

Always scoring higher than her she ended up playing and playing again just to beat you, but she can't no matter how hard she tried.

" You said you sucks at baseball " Chaewon whined.

You look at her from outside since you're inside a protected area where you hit the ball.

You put the bat on the floor leaving the area and approach her with 2 bottled waters on your hand.

Standing infront of her you gave the water
and she quickly grab it gulping it whole. You chuckled thinking she must be really tired for trying hard to beat you.

" That's true I suck at it " You said while drinking some water.

Unlike Chaewon who seems very very tired, you're not even that tired, your arms are not aching for hitting the ball endlessly.

" Liar " You heard her mumbled, you shake your head and smile.

It's true that you sucks at baseball but since you get used to your first hit today, you mastered it quickly, you didn't even know you'll be good at it.

Your Dad is a baseball player, you wanted to learn baseball when you're still a kid but you never learn it ,since they always told you to stay at your roo. and when you tried to asked
him to teach you he always says No.

You don't have any friends back then, and you're glad you have a group of chaotic friends now.

Thinking of an idea how to boost her confidence, you can see that she's on the urge to give up playing baseball with you.

Chaewon isn't bad at baseball she can hit lots of ball's but ofcourse you can do more than that.

" Wanna bet ? " You asked her and she look at you confusingly.

She's very tired right now and you're asking her for a bet, she don't even know if she can play one more round, and besides she always lose.

" If you win I grant your wish and If I win you grant mine "

Thinking carefully at what you just said, Chaewon became interested.

If she have a wish that she wants you to grant, there's one thing that she want and that's a secret for now.

But thinking that she won't stand a chance, Chaewon shake her head making you pout.

" No, I can't even win at you, we've been playing this game for an hour already yet I keep losing " Chaewon said and you chuckle.

" That fine at least, You won my heart " You mumbled and Chaewon heard it clearly.

Once again she was too stunned to speak.

" What ? " She asked you acting like she didn't hear what you mumbled. You look at her and shake your head with a smile.

" I'll play first then your next "  entering the area not waiting for her answer you grab the bat and start hitting the ball's.

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