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" Is that's all you bought ? " Yena asked you helping you to carry the gifts that you buyed for Jihyo.

You look at her and nod.

" Just put it in the living room " You said before approaching your kitchen.

Yena hummed at you, she put your gifts on the living room before walking towards the kitchen where you at.

" Noodles for dinner again ? "

You heard her said, you look at her before giving her an awkward smile.

" Well, I don't know how to cook anything what else can I do, I'm too lazy to order online "

Yena sighed before approaching the stove turning it off and you look at her in shocked.

" Eh ? "

" Come with me, let's eat outside " Yena said before grabbing your hand dragging you out on your own house.

Arriving at the place where Yena choose to drag you.

A BBQ restaurant with lots of people eating inside welcomed the both of you. Picking a table to sit in, the waiter gave both of you their menu.

" pick everything you want, my treat "  Yena said while looking at the menu. You look at her before deciding to look at the menu.

When you and Yena are already done picking the Waiter grab the menu together with your order before telling to wait for about more than 5 minutes.

" How are you ? "

you look at her before looking away.

" Im fine, I guess.. " You answered mumbling the last word and Yena heard it clearly.

" Are you sure you'll be fine living alone ? you can stay in my house "

With that you shaked your head quickly.

Living on a huge house alone is sad that's what they think but for you it's fine.

You've been living alone on a roof for almost 7 years.

But you know sometimes you felt empty and you're just glad that they are there to make your house in chaos.

" Im fine really, I don't want to bother you " You said, Yena smiled before patting your head making you pout.

" You know you're never been a bother to us, if you needed someone you can call us anytime "

You smiled before nodding at her when the food finally arrived.

Starting to eat quietly while having some talks with each other.

Yena keeps talking and scolding you, that it just makes you smile and chuckled at how caring she is but not just her but all of your friends.

You're sure that What she's saying right now will be repeated by the others if they caught you cooking Noodles for dinner.

" Stop eating Noodles for Dinner you'll get sick with it, it's not that im saying you should not eat Noodles anymore, what I mean is- "

" You should not eat Noodles anytime because it's bad for your health. " You said continuing what she's saying.

Yena look at you and pout like a duck.

" You've keep repeating the same sentence ever since we begin eating, that I finally memorized it " You joked before putting a slice of a steak in your mouth.

Yena look at you and chuckled.

" But you can't blame me though because im right " She said while stucking her tongue at you, You chuckled and just shake your head.

Staying silent at the table, only the sound of someone munching a food was heard.

You look at her before smiling.

" Thankyou Yena "

Yena look at you.

She scoffed feeling embarrassed and you noticed it making you to chuckled a little.

" It's fine, you're making me shy " She said straightforwardly.

Both of you chuckled before deciding to continued eating until you're all done.


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