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The time you and Chaewon had a conversation in the rooftop.

Once the bell rings you told Chaewon to tell your Teacher if ever he might come back to the classroom, that You and Yujin will not join the class because of a sudden meeting that Irene called.

They already know that you joined Irene's team, and all of the students who admires you can't wait for the competition.

And for the team they're very happy about it, since they're be able to play the archery with you again ever since you stopped Joining it.

And now heavy training starts.

You and the others have been running to the field over and over again, and you don't know why would Irene make all of you run, when it have nothing to do with a bow and an arrow.

You only need to stand and aim the arrow to the target, it's not that you need to run.

You and the others who's in the team are excuse in the classes for the next days it's a relief but a ache on the head.

Because once the competition ends you need to pass the activities that you missed, same with the other members who will do the same.

" Let's take a break! " All of you heard Irene shouted.

Approaching where she is, Yujin and the 3 boys dropped their body on the field they're too tired that they can't feel their legs anymore.

You chuckled at them deciding to approach Irene to ask something.

" What's with all the running ? " You asked her, Irene look at you and shake her head making you speechless.

You're still catching your breath right now after the running that all of you did yet it's for nothing.

" Sorry " She said while chuckling.

You sigh and just nod at her well you can't do anything, it's already done.

" Let's go to the gymnasium " She spoke  approaching the school building.

You approach the others as you extend your hand to Yujin helping her to stand and walk together towards the gymnasium.

As soon as you step your foot inside, you saw the person you're trying to avoid.

And when your eyes met, she's the first one who look away and focused on the bow that she's holding before releasing the arrow as it hits the 9 target.

Her team clap their hands in amazed.

" we came in a wrong time " Irene mumbled, while watching the other team from afar.

" Should we try to ? " Dk asked who's now approaching where the bows and arrows are.

Ignoring the other team, all of you grab each bows and arrows for yourselves.

Kihyun, Dk, and Minhyuk tried first and as expected they never disappoint Irene who's your leader.

As the other team continued releasing their bows.

It's You, Yujin and Irene's turn to try.

The competition Haven't started yet, but why does the atmosphere in the gymnasium feels like the competition is already happening.

The other team's attention are already on the 3 of you, they stop and decided to watch.

Yujin and Irene release their bow, just what the 3 boys show, Irene perfectly get three bull'seye in a row, while Yujin get two 9 targets and a 1 bull'seye.

And now that it's your turn, all their gazes are on yours.

It's really been a while when they last saw you hold a bow.

Getting ready to aim, the other team's eyes are fix on you especially Hyewon who didn't expect that you'll join Irene's team,

They're looking forward for your first arrow.

Focusing on the aim, you release the arrow as the arrow hits the bull'seye in your first try.

You smile while your own team cheer for you.

Grabbing another arrow for your 2nd shot. It's a bull'seye and followed by another bull'seye again for your last arrow.

You sigh in relief before facing your own members, and you were startled when Yujin literally throw her body on you for a hug.

" I was right, Our Ace never gets old " Yujin said teasing you will the rest of your team did the same.

The other team sighed, they didn't expect that you're still good at it and now that you're back for the archery.

It's purely sure that the competition will be a tough one.


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