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After the personal talk between Hyewon and Chaewon, Chaewon is now on her way to your classroom.

She can't believe what did Hyewon told her, it was clearly different from what she's seeing at you right now.

Chaewon knows that Hyewon will say such things like that but the information that Hyewon told her is very too much and she don't know if she'll believe it.

Arriving at the classroom, Chaewon entered inside as she saw some of their classmates are already sitting on their seats.

Approaching her seat, the chair beside her and the chair at her back are still empty.

So she thought that maybe you're still not in the school.

Hearing the bell rings everyone is already inside the classroom except the 3 of you. The Teacher enter inside, he quickly noticed the 3 empty seats and he's informed about it.

" Greeting " Chaewon said since Yujin is not inside to do it, your other classmates stand and greeted the Teacher and he did the same.

" If you're wondering where is Verna, Yujin and Wonyoung they're excuse for today's morning class, they need to do something important " The Teacher said making the students whined, thinking that you and your 2 friends are safe for today's boring classes.

Chuckling at his students reaction he decided to start the class.

Chaewon who's staring blankly to nowhere is still thinking about what Hyewon told her. It keeps appearing on her mind, she felt like she won't be able to forget it, but now she need an explanation from you about it.

She need to tell you what did Hyewon told her so she can confirm if it's right or not, if Hyewon is lying or not.

But she's thinking if she should not asked you about it, and just stay away from you like what Hyewon told her to do.

It was a shocking information that she didn't know if she'll believe it or not.

After the morning class, Chaewon didn't understand something at the lesson even a single thing, she's too busy thinking about what Hyewon told her.

Seeing you walking down the stairs Chaewon quickly walk away but it's too late, you already saw her.

" Chaewonn!! " You called her with a smile formed on your lips, deciding to approach her Chaewon continued walking making you confused.

You thought that maybe she didn't heard it so you called her name again.

" Chaewon! "

But still no use she's still not stopping on her tracks, and you're sure that Chaewon heard it because even the students that are more far from her, heard your voice.

Deciding to run towards her, you stopped on your tracks when you saw Hyewon approaching her and since Chaewon's back is facing you, you can't see Chaewon's reaction.

Hyewon look at you, you saw her mumbled something at Chaewon before walking away from her while Chaewon continued to walk.

Getting confused what's happening, you decided to run again and approach Chaewon.

Grabbing her arm when you're able to catch her up.

" Chaewon " You called her, and as soon as she face you, you raised your eyebrow in confusion.

Her expression is cold, so cold.

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